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The eerie silence of the safehouse was periodically broken by the soft murmurs and hushed whispers of heroes and students alike. The aftermath of the battle painted a grim picture: cracked walls, shattered glass, and the occasional sob from those who still couldn't believe the reality they were faced with.

As they gathered in a makeshift living area, the conversations were a blend of despair, anger, and a strong desire for revenge. The empty bed spaces of Kaminari and Bakugo weighed heavily on their hearts, but the evening brought another gut-wrenching realization.

“I haven’t seen Mineta since we returned,” Kirishima remarked, his voice breaking the melancholic atmosphere.

Momo, looking around, responded, “He might be in his room or possibly somewhere around here. Let’s look for him.”

A search party was quickly formed. They looked in every nook and corner of the safehouse, but there was no sign of the grape-headed student. Tensions rose, and a wave of panic settled over everyone. The grim possibility that they had lost another friend started to take root.

Tsuyu, who had been checking the last known locations during their escape, finally spoke up, her voice barely above a whisper, “He... he didn’t make it out with us. We... we left him behind.”

Jirou, tears forming in her eyes, murmured, “We were so caught up in everything... How did we miss him?”

Iida, attempting to maintain his usual composure, struggled to find the words. “This is a hard blow for all of us. Mineta, despite his antics, was our friend. And the responsibility of his loss weighs on all our shoulders.”

Uraraka, her face pale, whispered, “Three of our own... gone.”

As the reality set in, many broke down, the weight of their losses too much to bear. They mourned Mineta's death, regretting not noticing his absence earlier. Their guilt was palpable.

Todoroki, ever the realist, spoke up after a heavy silence, “We can’t change the past. But we must remember them, learn from this, and ensure their sacrifices were not in vain.”

A search party was quickly formed. They looked in every nook and corner of the safehouse, but there was no sign of the grape-headed student. Tensions rose, and a wave of panic settled over everyone. The grim possibility that they had lost another friend started to take root.

Tsuyu, who had been checking the last known locations during their escape, finally spoke up, her voice barely above a whisper, “He... he didn’t make it out with us. We... we left him behind.”

Jirou, tears forming in her eyes, murmured, “We were so caught up in everything... How did we miss him?”

Iida, attempting to maintain his usual composure, struggled to find the words. “This is a hard blow for all of us. Mineta, despite his antics, was our friend. And the responsibility of his loss weighs on all our shoulders.”

Uraraka, her face pale, whispered, “Three of our own... gone.”

As the reality set in, many broke down, the weight of their losses too much to bear. They mourned Mineta's death, regretting not noticing his absence earlier. Their guilt was palpable.

Todoroki, ever the realist, spoke up after a heavy silence, “We can’t change the past. But we must remember them, learn from this, and ensure their sacrifices were not in vain.”

Fumikage, standing in a shadowy corner, added, “We must steel ourselves for the challenges ahead. The path we walk on is filled with dangers, but it's our duty to tread on, remembering our fallen friends.”

Betrayed And Broken Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum