Dual Intentions

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Deku and Toga, after a moment of shared embarrassment, exchanged glances. They knew they had a mission to focus on, and time was of the essence.

"Alright," Deku started, as he scrolled through his phone, "We need to bring together a team that's fully committed to The Balanced Dawn's ideals. This is not just about power, but trust and loyalty."

Toga nodded, "I've had my eye on a few who might be worth approaching. Twice has always been a wild card, but he's fiercely loyal."

Deku added, "Mustard's abilities can be crucial if used right. He's young but has potential."

After a brief discussion, Deku shot a quick text to Spinner and Toxin: 'We're ready. Gather in my quarters in 10.'

While waiting, Toga approached the window, her gaze thoughtful. "We're essentially building a new faction from within. But it's necessary. This is our chance to redefine our place in this world."

Deku moved to stand beside her, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "We'll get this done, together."

Soon enough, the door slid open to reveal Spinner and Toxin, their expressions somber, understanding the weight of the task ahead.

Toxin raised an eyebrow, "Well, you two seem to have gotten... closer."

Toga chuckled, "Always observant, aren't you? But enough of that. We have work to do."

Spinner cleared his throat, "I think Mr. Compress would be a good fit. He's always been more of a thinker, valuing strategy over sheer force."

Toxin suggested, "Dabi. He might seem like a wildcard, but he's disillusioned with the current state of things. If we pitch it right, he might see this as a new beginning."

After further strategizing, the quartet set off, each tasked with approaching one member they believed would be an asset to The Balanced Dawn.

Spinner approached Mr. Compress first, finding him in the middle of perfecting one of his tricks.

"Compress," Spinner began cautiously, "there's a change on the horizon. A shift in power dynamics. We're building something... new. Something better."

Mr. Compress, always one for the theatrical, leaned in, intrigued. "Go on..."

Deku, meanwhile, sought out Twice, finding the man arguing animatedly with... himself. "Twice," Deku interjected firmly, "We need your loyalty. There's a new dawn, and we want you with us."

Twice paused, contemplating. "A new dawn, you say? Well, two is better than one!" He chuckled, referencing both his ability and his split personality.

Toga was tasked with Mustard. She approached him with the allure of belonging, of being part of something grander. "You've felt underutilized, sidelined. We're offering you a chance to be at the forefront."

And finally, Toxin. Approaching Dabi was no small feat. The man was a powerhouse with a deep-rooted skepticism for change. But Toxin, using a blend of persuasion and revealing some of the group's plans, piqued Dabi's interest.

With their targets in mind, the quartet summoned the chosen members to Deku's quarters.

The room was thick with anticipation. As everyone settled in, Deku stood at the head of the table, his voice firm yet inviting. "We've called you here because we believe in a united vision. The Balanced Dawn is not just a name; it's a new beginning. We've seen the cracks in our current path, and it's time for change."

The chapter would further delve into their discussions, highlighting the importance of unity, trust, and a shared vision as they set forth on this new journey.

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