A Game of Deception

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The vast underground base of the League buzzed with energy, a sharp contrast to the quiet concentration in one of its corners. There, members of the League took turns training Shinso, introducing him to the world of subterfuge and combat.

On the first day, Toga, with her signature grin, demonstrated her blade skills. The balance, the grip, and the deadly efficiency with which she used her knife were mesmerizing. Shinso tried to emulate her, but his movements were stiff. The blade didn't feel like an extension of his hand as it did for Toga. After several days, while he showed some progress, it was clear he was far from Toga's level.

"Relax," Toga admonished, "The knife isn't just a weapon; it's a part of you. Feel its weight, its rhythm."

Toxin's firearm lessons were equally challenging. The sheer variety of guns and their mechanics overwhelmed Shinso. While he grasped the basics, the more intricate details eluded him. a makeshift firing range had been established. Metal targets positioned at varying distances emitted a dull gleam under the overhead lights. The echo of footsteps reverberated as Shinso and Toxin entered the chamber.

While Toga's blade training and Deku's hand-to-hand combat lessons were engaging, it was here in the company of cold steel and lead that Shinso felt the weight of his transition into this underground world.

Toxin gestured to the firearms on a table, "Each one has its own voice, rhythm, and purpose. Learn to understand them, and you'll never be caught off-guard." Shinso watched intently, his focus unwavering.

Picking up a sleek handgun, Toxin began, "You might wonder, considering my in-depth knowledge of these machines, why I've never wielded them on any mission."

"It did cross my mind," Shinso admitted.

With a thoughtful sigh, Toxin continued, "After everything that happened, when I was forced into hiding, I delved into the underground. There, guns were power. I learned swiftly, training with the best. But while they assured protection, they also drew attention. The crack of a gunshot is like ringing a bell in this world."

Expertly dismantling the handgun, Toxin explained each component. "Yet, despite their strength, firearms also expose you. My quirk, lethal as it is, is silent. And in a world where every echo can be your end, silence is golden. Guns would have made me a beacon, drawing unnecessary attention."

Passing the reassembled handgun to Shinso, Toxin guided his grip and stance. "But remember, they have their time and place. A time might come when you need to make a bold statement, and there's nothing louder than a bullet."

Under Toxin's watchful gaze, Shinso took aim. He exhaled, squeezing the trigger, the bullet's impact resonating through the chamber. It wasn't a perfect shot, but it was a start.

Deku's hand-to-hand training was rigorous. The two sparred, Deku dodging and weaving with practiced ease, while Shinsou tried to land a hit. Though Shinsou incorporated his quirk cleverly, relying on his voice to command Deku momentarily, it became evident that his physical moves lacked polish.

But it was under Spinner's tutelage that Shinso truly shined.

Stealth was an art Shinso had practiced unknowingly for years. His quirk was never about brute force; it was about catching opponents off-guard. The techniques that Spinner taught him felt familiar, intuitive even.

During their shadowing exercises in the labyrinthine base, Shinso displayed an uncanny ability to blend in. He seemed to melt into the shadows, his movements silent, almost ghost-like. Spinner, adept at stealth himself, was impressed.

"In a battle, brute strength isn't always the winner," Spinner remarked. "Sometimes, it's about striking from the shadows, about choosing when to engage and when to disappear."

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