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The silence that followed the call was deafening. The dim light of Deku's room cast long shadows on the walls, shadows that seemed to carry the weight of unspoken emotions. Deku's phone lay discarded on the bed, its screen still glowing faintly.

Turning to Toga, Deku's voice was barely above a whisper, "Why did you give them my number?"

Toga shifted uneasily, her usually mischievous eyes evading his gaze. "I thought... I thought you needed closure. Or at least a chance to explain."

He ran a hand through his hair, the weight of the night's revelations pressing down on him. "I did," he admitted. "But you should've told me."

She bit her lip, looking genuinely remorseful. "I know. I'm sorry."

Deku sighed deeply, the tension leaving his body as he collapsed back onto the bed. Staring at the ceiling, the rawness of the past conversation with his former classmates fresh in his mind, he whispered, "Thank you, Toga."

She looked at him, surprised. "For what?"

He turned his head, locking his eyes with hers. "For letting me hear their voices again, for letting me explain, for being here with me."

Toga's heart skipped a beat. She moved closer, laying down next to him. "I might not always make the best decisions, but I want what's best for you, Deku."

A heavy silence settled between them, the weight of their shared experiences binding them together. Toga was startled when she felt something wet on her hand. Turning her head, she saw tears streaming down Deku's face.

She had seen him angry, determined, even ruthless, but this raw vulnerability was new. It was a side of Deku she hadn't seen since before he embraced his role in the League. Wordlessly, she reached out, cradling his head in her lap, stroking his hair as he let out choked sobs.

He clung to her, his tears wetting the fabric of her clothes. "I'm so tired, Toga," he murmured between sobs. "Tired of fighting, tired of hiding, tired of the guilt."

She leaned down, placing a gentle kiss on his forehead. "It's okay to be tired. It's okay to feel."

The rhythm of the night outside seemed to slow as Toga held Deku close, providing solace in his moment of vulnerability. After a while, she gently nudged him, "Deku, we should get some sleep. Tomorrow is another day, and we have much to do."

He looked up, eyes red from the tears. "You're right," he whispered, sitting up and wiping his face. He glanced at the discarded phone on the bed, the weight of its significance heavy between them. "I never thought I'd hear their voices again."

Toga, always quick with her wit, replied, "Life has a funny way of surprising us. But remember, every interaction is a chance for growth, a chance to understand."

Deku nodded, "I know. It's just... after everything, to hear them, to speak with them, it brings back a rush of memories."

Toga hesitated for a moment, searching for the right words. "Do you regret it? Joining the League?"

He thought for a moment, weighing his choices and the path he had taken. "No," he finally said, determination in his voice. "Joining the League, meeting all of you, especially you, Toga, has made me see the world in a different light. It's given me a purpose. But it doesn't mean the past doesn't hurt."

She smiled softly, "You're strong, Deku. Stronger than you give yourself credit for. Remember that."

Deku looked into Toga's eyes, seeing the depth of understanding there. "Thank you," he whispered, pulling her into a gentle embrace.

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