Double Deceptions

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The room was dim, the low hum of conversation muted by the thick stone walls of the League's underground base. Toxin, Spinner, and Toga had already congregated, discussing the rapidly unfolding events. Spinner was midway through recounting his witnessed exchange between Deku and Shigaraki when the door slid open, revealing Deku's familiar silhouette.

Spinner, eyes wide, whispered, "Speak of the devil," before promptly shutting up.

Deku nodded at the trio, acknowledging Spinner's wide-eyed look. "I assume you've heard about the... altercation?"

Toga smirked. "Spinner's got a knack for being in the right place at the right time. He saw everything."

Deku sighed, rubbing his temples. "It was bound to happen eventually. The tension between Shigaraki and me has been palpable. It's only a matter of time before things come to a head."

Toxin frowned. "Our plans are advancing, but we need to be cautious. If Shigaraki decides to act against you..."

Spinner interjected, "We need to ensure our new allies within the League are firmly on our side. That means introducing them to Aeon."

Deku agreed, "Exactly. But gathering Twice, Dabi, Mustard, and Mr. Compress without arousing suspicion? It won't be easy."

It was then that Toga's eyes gleamed with a sly brilliance. "Twice. That's our answer. His duplication ability can work to our advantage."

Spinner tilted his head in confusion. "What do you mean?"

Toga's lips curled into a mischievous smile. "If Twice creates clones of us and our new allies, we can maintain the appearance of normalcy within the base. Meanwhile, our real selves can meet with Aeon."

Deku's eyes lit up, recognizing the genius of the idea. "That's brilliant. It'll allow us to further our plans without tipping off Shigaraki or anyone else."

Spinner nodded, "It's a solid plan, but we need Twice on board. We're asking him to use his ability for an extended period, and that won't be easy for him."

Toxin added, "Plus, there's always the risk that if any of the clones are harmed, Twice will feel it. We need to ensure their safety."

Deku took a deep breath, steeling himself for the task ahead. "I'll speak to Twice personally. We've built trust, and I believe he'll see the importance of this."

And so, the plan was set into motion. Later that evening, in a secluded corner of the base, Deku approached Twice, his approach empathetic. "Twice, we need your unique skill set. The future of the League and our vision depends on it."

Twice, his dual personalities evident, replied, "You've got some nerve asking for favors, but if it helps Toga and the cause, I'm in."

With Twice on board, the clones were soon created. It was an eerie sight, watching the doppelgangers interact, their behavior mirroring the originals perfectly.

With the base seemingly operating as usual, the real Deku, Toga, Toxin, Spinner, Twice, Dabi, Mustard, and Mr. Compress covertly departed for a rendezvous with Aeon.

The journey was silent, the weight of their mission and the stakes at play evident in their determined expressions. As they approached Aeon's hideout, the colossal gates opened to reveal the imposing figure of Aeon, his serene presence contrasting his immense power.

Dabi, always the skeptic, remarked, "This better be worth our time, Deku."

Deku nodded, understanding Dabi's reservations. "Trust me, it will be."

The underground hideout of Aeon, though vast, was designed with an intimate ambiance. Shadows danced on the walls as torches flickered, casting an orange hue over everything. At the center stood Aeon, his formidable yet graceful stature apparent even from a distance.

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