promises in the dark

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The day begins in a dimly lit corner of the hideout, the ambiance made cozier by the morning light filtering through the gaps in the curtains. Izuku and Toga sit close, drawn into a bubble of their own making. Toga's fingers play with a strand of Izuku's hair, twisting and turning it.

“You know, Izuku,” she begins, her tone teasing yet intimate, “this whole undercover thing... it’s like we’re playing a big game.”

Izuku chuckles, his hand subconsciously finding its way to Toga's. “Everything’s a game to you, isn’t it?”

The space between them closes as Toga leans in, her lips hovering near his ear. “Not everything.” The weight of her implication hangs heavy in the air, pulling them closer until they're just a breath apart.

Their moment, however, is short-lived. The door crashes open, revealing Spinner and Toxin, both wide-eyed at the scene they've walked into. An awkward silence fills the room, which Toxin breaks with a cheeky grin, “Did we interrupt something?”

Izuku, a shade redder than usual, averts his gaze, muttering something under his breath. Toga, ever the audacious one, stretches and smirks, “Maybe. Jealous?”

Toxin laughs, "Just making sure we aren't keeping the lovebirds from their nest."

Spinner, trying to break the ice, suggests, "We should start planning. The mission is important."

The meeting progresses, and Spinner takes the lead, laying out the intricacies of their infiltration. However, every so often, there are subtle interactions between Toga and Izuku — a fleeting glance, a slight touch, an inside joke whispered too quietly for the others to catch. The dynamic between them is clear, and though it's still fresh and a bit tentative, there's undeniable chemistry.

Toxin smirks at one such interaction, about to pass a witty comment, but Spinner shoots him a sharp look, reminding him of the gravity of their situation.

Stain's words, even in his absence, weigh heavily on the group. "Emotions in the field can be a liability," he had once told them. While the League's members aren't ones to strictly adhere to such guidelines, there's a collective understanding that emotions, especially budding romantic ones, could compromise the mission.

Spinner decides to address the elephant in the room. "Look, I don't care what's going on between you two," he nods at Toga and Izuku, "but we can't let personal feelings get in the way. We have to trust each other out there."

Toga rolls her eyes, “Relax, Spinner. Just because there’s... something,” she hesitates slightly, looking at Izuku, “doesn’t mean we’ll forget why we’re here.”

Izuku nods in agreement. "Our objective remains the same. Personal matters won't interfere."

Toxin chuckles, "Well, with all these assurances, I'm feeling a lot better. Shall we proceed?"

The group dives back into planning mode before setting out.

In the heart of The Balanced Dawn’s compound, the heroes are trying to gather as much information as possible while maintaining their cover. Todoroki, Mina, Uraraka, Knuckleduster, Popstep, and Crawler navigate their way through the crowds, attending various seminars and workshops that the group is offering. The discourse revolves around building a society where Quirk utilization is optimized and regulated for the greater good.

The vigilantes, being more accustomed to undercover operations, help guide the UA students, whispering advice and sharing silent signals. They blend in, asking the right questions, and seem genuinely interested in the Balanced Dawn's ideology.

Unbeknownst to them, from a secluded corner, the disguised League members observe. They are aware of the infiltration and are on high alert, yet are surprised to recognize familiar faces among the infiltrators.

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