Debts Repaid (reworked)

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Deku's point of view:

The air grew heavy with All For One's presence, a feeling that I recalled all too well from our past encounters. Even as allies, standing in his proximity, I couldn't help but be wary.

"Given our current position, would you say our odds have improved?" I tried to lighten the atmosphere, glancing over at Toga.

She grinned, her eyes glinting mischievously, "Immensely, especially if he lets me sample some of his blood for my collection. Don't you think?"

I chuckled, trying to picture the scenario, "I have a feeling he'd be more open to sharing his measurements with Twice."

Our jesting was cut short as All For One approached the defeated Mirko. With a mere touch, he began draining her of her quirk. It was a grotesque sight, the once mighty hero's life force visibly waning. And just like that, with a cold, calculated stomp, he silenced her forever.

Turning his attention to Toga, he spoke, "Himiko Toga, as a token of my appreciation for your part in today's venture and Mirko's demise, I offer you this." With an outstretched hand, he beckoned her over.

Toga, although confident, seemed hesitant for a split second but eventually approached. All For One's touch seemed to inflict pain, evident in her contorted expression. As he transferred Mirko's quirk, Toga's physique underwent a transformation. The process was intense, but she emerged with her legs more powerful, though not as pronounced as Mirko's.

After the transformation, she flexed, trying out her newfound strength, "So, Izuku," she flirted, "How do I look with my new upgrade?"

Catching my surprise and evident concern, she added, "Don't worry, it's just a bit overwhelming. But I'll adjust."

I nodded, trying to regain my composure, "They suit you, Toga. But right now, we need to focus. We've still got work to do."

All For One's gaze bore into me, emanating authority and power. "We have unfinished matters to discuss. But first, a more pressing issue awaits," he stated calmly, his voice as smooth as ever. "I believe Shigaraki has located Stain. Kuragiri."

With a nod from All For One, Kuragiri summoned a warp gate. As the swirling portal formed, All For One's gaze never wavered from mine. "Do make this conversation worth my time," he said, his voice carrying a subtle warning.

Drawing a deep breath, I stepped through the portal, finding myself in front of a familiar cell. There he stood, the Hero Killer - Stain. He looked up, eyes narrowing in recognition.

"It's been a while, Akaguro," Stain mused, his tone neither friendly nor hostile. "You've changed. So, what brings you here?"

Choosing to sit on a nearby chunk of debris, I met Stain's intense gaze. "Consider this a debt being repaid. A chance to escape, to join us."

His expression turned disdainful, "I saved a budding hero then, not this... apparition you've become. Your league? It's chaos incarnate. There's no difference in your methods, indiscriminately eliminating heroes, even the genuine ones."

Leaning forward, I countered, "But what if the 'true heroes' you idolize don't truly exist? What if they're all façades waiting for the right moment to crumble?"

He scoffed, "You speak nonsense. There'll always be true heroes. Like All Might."

I paused, taking a moment before responding, "But isn't heroism more than just appearances? Being a symbol doesn't define heroism." I could see Stain's resolve wavering, the barest hint of doubt in his eyes. I knew I was onto something.

I took a deep breath, memories of past betrayals flooding back. "When I was a student at U.A., All Might was not just a mentor; he was like a father figure. He saw potential in me when others doubted. But then the very system that praises heroes turned against me," I began, a bitter edge creeping into my voice. "I was wrongfully accused of being a traitor. It was based on mere suspicion and without concrete evidence. And instead of standing by my side, the so-called hero society left me behind."

I saw a flash of understanding in Stain's eyes but continued before he could interrupt. "All Might came to visit me in prison, and instead of believing in me, he asked for the return of his quirk, claiming it was for the 'greater good'. He was more concerned about the reputation and legacy of One For All than my well-being or truth. He didn't want the quirk to be tainted by scandal, no matter if the accusations were true or not."

Rising from my seated position, I started pacing, anger and disappointment evident in my movements. "Heroes today prioritize their image over actual justice. They're more concerned with their popularity rankings, their endorsements, and how the public perceives them rather than standing up for what's right. It's become a commercial industry rather than a calling. This was evident when Bakugou was kidnapped; the hero society hesitated, prioritizing their image over his immediate rescue."

Stains gaze intensified, his brow furrowing in disbelief and skepticism. All Might? Betraying a successor? You expect me to believe that? His voice carried a tone of incredulity.

I sighed, the weight of my memories pushing down on me. I dont expect anything, but every word Ive said is the truth. His vision of a hero, and societys vision of a hero, is skewed. Its about image, reputation. True righteousness often gets overshadowed.

Taking a moment, I continued, When I was branded a traitor, tossed aside, I was in this very prison. And he visited me, not with sympathy or intent to help, but to ask for his Quirk back. Because to him, the stigma was too strong. He thought I could no longer be a symbol of peace with that accusation on my record. My life was effectively ruined, and he did nothing.

Stains brow furrowed even deeper, his eyes darting away as he processed the words. "If what you say is true, if this symbol of justice acted in such a manner... then maybe everything Ive believed in is a lie."

You want proof? I posed, meeting his intense gaze. Ill show you, firsthand. Not just what All Might did, but the rotten core of the hero society.

Stain's eyes remained as sharp as ever. "But remember, Midoriya, one false move, any sense of deception from you, and I will not hesitate."

I nodded, understanding the weight of his words. I wouldnt expect any less from you. I motioned to the cell door, Stay back. Concentrating One For All into my arm, I delivered a forceful punch that sent the door flying.

As we proceed, I began, I ask you to keep an open mind. To see beyond the façade hero society has built. Touching my earpiece, I requested, Kurogiri, we need an exit to the rendezvous point.

As the familiar whirl of the warp gate formed, I stepped in, with Stain, the man once my enemy, now potentially an ally, following just steps behind.

(Authors note) this chapter like chapter 2 is still on the shorter side I did my best to flesh it out more but it suffers the same issues as chapter 2 in the fact I can't add more without compromising future chapter it definetly reads better and both all for ones presence and stain and deku's conversation feel a lot better but I still feel happier but also a tinge dissatisfied with how the chapter came out

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