the attack on u.a (reworked)

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In Dekus Mind...

The sensation of water cocooned me. A rush of memories flooded back - Bakugo's fiery eyes, a hand pushing me to the ground, laughter echoing, the sting of relentless scorn, the hollow betrayal by society, and the void left by All Might's abandonment. These past memories collided with the present, as I suddenly gasped for air.

Breaking the water's surface, I emerged from a tube, ripping off a mask that fed me oxygen. The dim, humming lab with the ever-smiling Dr. Garaki greeted me. He informed me of the successful integration of the new quirks. It was unsettling, standing in a place with so much knowledge and potential, knowing it was being used for chaos.

As I processed this new reality, Shigaraki briefed me on the impending attack on U.A., a symbol of hero society's shining light. Yet, the very thought of returning there ignited conflicting emotions. A part of me yearned to stand alongside my classmates again, while another darker side wished for vengeance. But a little voice reminded me of the path I had now chosen.

"We have two routes of entry, both destined to sound alarms," Shigaraki began, pacing slightly, "Our first option is to brazenly storm through the front door, making our presence known. Alternatively, Kurogiri can warp us directly within the academy grounds."

Feeling the weight of responsibility for the first time since my incarceration, I responded, "We march through the main entrance. Let it be a statement: NOTHING stands in our way."

Shigaraki, his characteristic grin peeking from under his hand, approved. "Bold move. For the second phase, Dabi, you and I, along with our new ally," he gestured towards me, "will face off against the professional heroes. The rest will focus on the students. If any team finds themselves outnumbered, Kurogiri will offer reinforcements."

My thoughts instinctively shifted to Bakugo. "Kacchan is mine," I stated firmly, the memories of our past fueling my determination. "He'll be my first. I want no interference from the others."

Shigaraki raised an eyebrow but nodded. "The League has been informed. Uraraka remains unscathed. That's still the arrangement, right?" His tone hinted at a test, gauging my loyalty.

I affirmed, "Yes, she remains untouched. As for everyone else, there are no rules. When do we move?"

Shigaraki motioned towards the vast chamber. Dabi, Compress, and Kurogiri had already started rallying various villains and petty criminals for the mission. The numbers were impressive. As Shigaraki detailed his plan for a secondary army and the subsequent breakout from Tartarus, Dr. Garaki approached me, his form barely illuminated by the dim lights of the room.

In his hand, he held an injector vial. "Before you venture forth, take this," he began, his voice almost a whisper. "A refined version of Trigger we seized from Overhaul. It augments your powers, reducing mental side effects. However, there remains a hint of... unpredictability. Only you and Shigaraki possess this; use it wisely."

I hesitated but eventually slid the vial into my pocket, unsure of when or if I'd use it.

As the room buzzed with villainous chatter, Toga, ever unpredictable, wrapped her arms around me. Her greeting, a peculiar mix of elation and mischief, starkly contrasted with the seriousness of our mission. Promising her my attention post-mission, I returned my focus to the matter at hand.

Shigaraki's voice soon echoed through the room, rallying the gathered masses. The essence of our plan, the targets, and the stakes were laid bare. The mood was electric, the impending assault promising chaos and retribution. As the assembly concluded, we stood on the precipice of an event that would alter hero society forever.

Shigaraki took a moment, a long breath in. The entire room's energy focused on him. He started, his voice dripping with venom, "To those gathered here, you represent the vanguard of a new era. An era where we unshackle ourselves from the lies and hypocrisies of so-called 'hero society'. We gather at the cusp of an assault that will send tremors through this world."

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