Resonance of Dawn

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The atmosphere in the war room of the Balanced Dawn's headquarters was charged with tension and purpose. Members of Class 1-A, seasoned heroes, and key figures in the organization gathered around the holographic table, each face bearing the weight of the impending conflict.

Aeon stood at the head of the table, his gaze commanding attention. "This is our final meeting before we set our plan into motion. We've been through the details multiple times, but it's crucial that everyone is on the same page. We're up against All For One, and we can't afford mistakes."

The holographic map displayed the false hideout, the intricate details of the decoy that had been meticulously planned. The groundwork had been laid, but now, they needed to synchronize their efforts for the impending confrontation.

"All Might's involvement is certain," Aeon continued, "but we must be prepared for every scenario. The squadrons will be stationed strategically, and we need to finalize the battle strategy."

Eraser Head, standing across the room, glanced at the faces gathered around the table. "We've been through the details before, but this is the last chance for any adjustments. Speak up if there's something crucial we've missed."

All Might, who had been observing the plans unfold, nodded in agreement. "This is it, everyone. We need to ensure that every move is calculated and precise."

Deku, fully recovered from his injuries, interjected, "There's one element we haven't exploited to its full potential—Twice's duplicating ability. We can use it to create a convincing diversion and manipulate All For One."

The room turned its attention to Deku as he outlined his proposal. "Twice, I need you to create a clone of me. A perfect duplicate that can deliver false intel to All For One."

Twice scratched his head, processing the idea. "You want me to make a fake Deku to feed false information to the big bad himself? Risky, but doable."

Deku nodded, "Exactly. All For One's ego is a weakness we can exploit. Make the clone praise him, tell him he's the only one worthy of taking down All Might. Stroke that colossal ego of his."

Toga, sitting beside Deku, grinned mischievously. "Sounds like fun. I can help with the details. I've studied that guy more than once, you know."

Eraser Head raised an eyebrow but eventually conceded, "It's a gamble, but if it diverts his attention, it might be worth it. Go on, Deku."

Deku continued, "The clone will provide detailed information on our false hideout. We want All For One to believe he has the upper hand, that he's catching us off guard. That's when we strike."

The room fell into a contemplative silence. All eyes shifted between the heroes and villains, united by a common goal yet divided by the impending clash.

The atmosphere in the room shifted as the meeting continued, the weight of the impending confrontation settling over them like a heavy cloak. Deku turned his attention to the holographic display, where a list of All For One's known quirks scrolled across the screen.

"All For One's arsenal is vast and unpredictable," Deku began, his eyes scanning the list. "We've compiled as much information as we can, but be prepared for unexpected twists. His ability to steal and use multiple quirks simultaneously makes him a formidable opponent."

He gestured to the screen, highlighting some of the more dangerous quirks. "Power absorption, regeneration, telekinesis, and countless others. Each one adds a layer of complexity to our approach. We can't afford to underestimate any aspect of his abilities."

As Deku spoke, Todoroki, Hawks, and other combat-oriented individuals exchanged nods, understanding the gravity of the situation. Toga, Uraraka, and those with support or non-combat quirks listened intently, knowing that their roles would be just as crucial.

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