the doctor (reworked)

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From Izuku's POV:

The raw bite of the city wind tousled my changed hair. Weeks on the streets had not been kind. Memories of UA, All Might, and my friends clashed violently with my recent encounters. My hands, which once held the hope of heroism, had been stained with theft, driven by necessity. The sheer irony of it wasn't lost on me. The "future symbol of peace" was now a street thief, branded as a criminal.

Every shadow, every siren, every murmur seemed to scream betrayal. Shigaraki's offer, while not ideal, presented an opportunity. At least with the League, there was no pretense. Still, joining them didn't come without its anxieties.

I'd been spending time getting acquainted with the league members over the past week. Toga's quirky antics felt like a constant needle prick, but the others were surprisingly more congenial. Twice, with his double-sided personality, resonated deeply with me. A life that had thrust him into the villainous path - I understood it better than anyone.

Spinner's dedication to Stains ideology had us engage in countless debates. While we had our differences, we both yearned for a change in the system. Dabi, with his burns and aloof demeanor, was an enigma. He and I shared a mutual respect, built on a foundation of mutual sufferings.

As days rolled on, Shigaraki informed me of another key player I'd yet to meet. When the familiar sensation of transportation liquid filled my mouth, I found myself amidst a sterile, eerie silence, accentuated only by the soft humming of machines. The sterile cold of the room was only matched by the fluorescent lights, throwing everything into sharp relief.

Before me stood a figure from my past, Dr. Garaki. The same man who, with a simple declaration, had once altered the trajectory of my life by pronouncing me quirkless. Now, here he was, at the heart of the chaos, intricately connected to the League.

"Izuku Midoriya," he began, his voice dripping with a mix of nostalgia and faint surprise. "The boy who dreamt of being a hero, despite lacking a quirk. Look at how our paths converge again."

I couldnt help but examine him. Time had left its mark. Wrinkles etched his face more deeply now, and his eyes held that same analytical, detached gaze. "Dr. Garaki," I acknowledged, my voice even, "It seems fate enjoys playing games."

He chuckled, a dry, humorless sound. "Indeed. But now, I offer not disappointment, but a chance. A chance to embrace powers that could define your new path."

The irony was palpable. The same man who had once declared me devoid of power now stood offering a multitude of them. He began outlining the quirks he intended to merge with my DNA. With each description, my intrigue grew, but so did my internal conflict. The Vampire quirk, with its regenerative capabilities, seemed to teeter on the edge of morality. The idea of drawing energy from others, potentially harming them, conflicted deeply with my ingrained values.

Yet, the allure of the Shock Absorption and Hardening quirks was undeniable. To withstand, to persevere, and to be unyielding were traits I'd always yearned for.

"These procedures," Dr. Garaki stated, pulling me from my contemplations, "are not just about power. They are about transformation, about evolution."

His words rang in my ears. Transformation. Evolution. But at what cost? "Why me?" I found myself asking, my voice barely above a whisper.

The doctor leaned closer, the ghost of a smile on his lips. "You, Midoriya, are an enigma. Quirkless, yet now carrying one of the most powerful quirks. Youve tasted profound betrayal. You stand on the precipice between heroism and villainy. You're the perfect canvas for this... experiment."

My heart raced. Was I ready to further blur the lines of my identity? The decision felt momentous, like standing at a crossroads. One path led to unparalleled power and potential vindication; the other to an abyss of uncertainty.

The chill of the sterile room seemed to seep into my very bones as I weighed my options. Flashbacks began to flood my mind, memories of cheerful days training with All Might, the hopeful glint in my mothers eyes as she saw me don my UA uniform, the betrayal in Bakugos voice, and the cold dismissal from society. With each memory, a cocktail of emotions surged through me – hope, pride, betrayal, anger, despair.

Is this the way, really? I whispered to myself. By becoming more than just Izuku Midoriya, but a hybrid of various quirks and identities? Can I handle such a transformation?

Dr. Garaki observed me with a mix of interest and impatience. Every moment you waste deliberating, the world outside continues to brand you a traitor. The heroes you once admired, theyve discarded you. Now, you have an opportunity to rise, to become more than they could ever fathom. The choice is yours.

His words stung. He was right. The world outside didn't wait. My past, as I knew it, was irreversibly altered. My dreams of becoming a hero were crushed under the weight of betrayal. And yet, there remained a spark, a flicker of hope that perhaps, with these new powers, I could carve out a place for myself. Not as a hero, not as a villain, but something new, something undefined.

Drawing a shaky breath, I met the doctor's gaze. Alright, lets do it. But remember, Im doing this for my reasons, not yours or Shigaraki's."

Dr. Garaki gave a nod, his usual aloofness returning. "As with everything, Midoriya. Everyone has their reasons."

As he approached with the syringe, I braced myself, not just for the physical pain but for the transformative journey I was about to embark upon.

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