revenge (reworked)

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Deku's POV:

Emerging from the portal, my feet met the debris-laden grounds of a ravaged portion of U.A. The scent of smoke and burnt structures clung to the air, punctuated by the sporadic bursts of flames from nearby wreckage. Glowing embers danced like fireflies, the whole scene lit up in a macabre ambiance. The evidence of Bakugo's signature explosions was all too evident. I quickly identified the fiery-haired student in a heated tussle with some League thugs.

Approaching, I intervened with a cold authority that surprised even me, "Enough. You've done your part. Leave now and await your rewards. Inform Kurogiri of the code 'Fallout', he'll know what to do."

They hesitated for just a moment, looking between Bakugo and me, before scattering. As the last of them disappeared, Bakugo's fierce gaze fixed on me. The familiar snap and pop of his explosive quirks emanated from his clenched fists. "Figured as much, Deku. The traitor among us, who'd have thought?"

My laughter echoed eerily in the desolation. "Traitor? You're mistaken. I was imprisoned for a crime I didnt commit, and it was after my escape from Tartarus that I found the League. The actual mole was someone else."

Bakugo's eyes narrowed, anger evident, "Lies. You have a quirk! How do you explain that, huh?"

I couldnt help the bitter smile that spread on my face. "Thats where you've always been wrong, Kacchan. All Might gave me this power. And believe it or not, he was once quirkless just like me. But the story of betrayal runs much deeper than you think. It's a legacy, intertwined with power and tragedy, shaped by choices and circumstances."

Bakugo's stance faltered for a second, his anger replaced with confusion. "Youre just spinning tales. Why should I believe any word you say?"

I stepped closer, the weight of my new reality pressing down on me. "Believe or not, thats up to you. But know this, our past, our decisions, they've brought us to this moment. And here, in this chaos, well face the consequences."

Bakugo gritted his teeth, the ever-present rage in his eyes seeming to flicker with a momentary uncertainty. "You've always been about that hero crap, Deku. Going on about wanting to save everyone with a smile. And now you're here with them? How does that even make sense?"

I sighed, my heart heavy with the pain of betrayal and lost dreams. "You accused me first, Kacchan. Without evidence, without trust. And now, after everything, you act surprised? It's not about being a hero or a villain anymore; it's about survival, and perhaps, redemption."

Bakugo's explosions popped louder, echoing my rising emotions. "You could've defended yourself, proven your innocence! Why didn't you?"

"I tried," I shot back, my voice trembling with barely concealed rage. "But who was there to believe me? When your own world turns against you, you find yourself in places you never imagined."

His expression wavered, a hint of regret or perhaps realization flashing across his face. "So what now, Deku? What's this revenge you speak of?"

I looked him squarely in the eyes, the weight of our shared past between us. "It's not just about revenge, Kacchan. It's about tearing down a flawed system, a society that casts out its own without a second thought. But make no mistake, you played a part in this. And for that, there's a price to pay."

Bakugo, momentarily taken aback by my revelations, seemed to be struggling with his emotions. The cocky, confident demeanor that had always defined him appeared to crack, revealing the insecurities hed buried deep inside.

I continued, my anger building with every word, "It's ironic, really. The one you tormented for being quirkless ends up with the power to destroy or save this world. But this isnt just about us, Kacchan. Its about a society that judges on appearances, that praises those with strong quirks and dismisses the weak. A society that didnt think twice about imprisoning a 16-year-old boy based on little evidence."

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