Chapter 11- Psyche

Start from the beginning

And I barely stopped myself from snorting on that statement.

“Ordinary guy, huh?” the girl snorted. I almost laughed at that for I really wanted to snort too. Well, she did it for me so I’d just have to be contented with that.

“Yes.” Eros said.

Marry me, ordinary guy!” one of the ladies beside the bar shouted. “No! Pick me!” another interjected.

“You’re so hot!”

“Can I be your girlfriend?” shouted the other girls. Eros laughed and shook his head sadly at them.

The red-haired woman looked at him and then laughed once more. “Another tequila, please!” she shouted to the bartender. It was given to her and she downed it all in one shot.

“I think I get what’s happening.” The girl said.

“And that is?” Eros asked charmingly.

“You paid all these women to act like this. I must say... It’s absolutely pathetic.” She bit off.

Eros nostrils flared and he drew himself to full height. His smile vanished and it was replaced by a look of incredulity.

“I most certainly did not pay them!” he exclaimed. The girl gave him a pointed and sarcastic look.  

“That idea is ridiculous!” Eros added. His calm facade and charm was completely gone. The girl was successful in mussing his feathers. Something, I am sure, no woman has ever done before. Eros lifted his hand and raked it impatiently across his hair. His carefully arranged hair became messy and curls fell over his forehead.

“Hot!” shouted a woman from across the room.

“Gosh! I think I’m combusting from all that hotness!” another girl on the bar said.

Eros ignored them and fixed his blue eyes on the red-haired girl before him. He increased his aura even further. It was very heavy on the air like a perfume that was sprayed too much. It even affected me a little bit because of its intensity.

It was a heady, sensual feeling. It made me want to grab the nearest girl to me and kiss her senseless. I shook my head to clear it. No. Focus, Thanatos. I dragged up Aurea’s face from my memory and held on to that thought to combat Eros’ charm and the potent aphrodisiac in the air.

Now. It was the entire bar that was quiet. All eyes were on Eros but his was focused solely on the girl.

She lifted her gaze towards Eros and scanned the room. “Whaaaat?” she asked exasperatedly. “Am I missing something? Is this like a reality show?” she asked.

Eros’ jaw fell open once more. “You don’t feel it?”

“Feel what?” the girl asked.

A muscle twitched in Eros’ cheek. His entire body was tense and he looked as if he wanted to throttle the girl right then and there. He opened his mouth but the girl cut him off by holding up her hand.

“The attraction between us.” Eros said.

The girl was drinking another shot of tequila as Eros said this. She spat out her drink all over the bar counter. Then suddenly coughed and choked on it. She was laughing and coughing at the same time. She then grabbed a handful of tissues near the bar to wipe her face because her drink came out of her nose. But aside from all this, she was still really beautiful.

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