Chapter 30 - A Problematic Final Oracle, Lord Luud Starts Up!

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Here's the next chapter for the Luud arc! Enjoy!

(Opening Theme - Dragon Ball Heroes)


First, it shows Nana and Momo touching down on Planet Luud before then showing the twins arriving at the halls of the shrine and later coming face to face with Cardinal Mutchy Mutchy.

 "Previously on 'Dragon Ball Ru'! After an accidental course to Planet Luud, Nana and Momo decided to scour the area before discovering the culprit behind Lala's capture."

"Sorry, but I don't have the slightest clue what you were just talking about. But I think we've seen enough, so we'll be leaving now. Okay? Bye-bye." Momo spoke before moving to leave with Nana as Goku before another swooped inside through the hole just as Luud's statue fired a blast at Nana and Momo through his eyes, forcing the twins to shield themselves only for a ki blasy to get in the way and disrupt the blast before it could hit them.

"What?!" the cardinal exclaimed in momentary shock.

"Hey, you two okay?"

The twins lowered their arms in puzzlement, only to see Goku standing in front of them protectively.

 "Just then, Goku paved the way for him, Lala, and Yami to crash into the action."

"Goku-san...?" Momo began before Lala and Yami arrived as well.

"Big Sis! Yami!" Nana added in relief. "They're all here."

Yami piped up, still in the air, holding the Para brothers by her hair dropped them onto the ground, only for the brothers to get promptly turned into dolls before then getting tossed into a jar near the statue before Cardinal Mutchy Mutchy then noticed Yami present, much to his shock before then trying to whip Goku only for him to dodge it and then head straight for him with a punch only to react and get out an energy gun for Goku, who only then stretched out his hand and prepared an energy blast and fired at him, knocking him back a great deal before then showing in the shadows, a figure in a white cape with a pink uniform and yellow gloves and boots, who was watching, before it then went back to Yami and the Cardinal.

"It had turned out that Goku had prevented Nana and Momo from suffering the same fate as the Para Brothers as they wound up turned into dolls and fed to Lord Luud for energy by the ruthless cardinal, who was then scolded by Yami, not knowing that a stranger was watching from within the darkness."

"Begone." Yami spoke again before the cardinal screamed as his world went dark as the fist slammed into him, forcing him to drop his his whip in the process, as he was sent flying into the back wall. The impact shook the arena and knocked the nearby Luudites off their feet as a brown cloud swept over the floor.

"As for the rest of you...beat it." Yami spoke before they all fled, having witnessed a portion of her power before it then showed a whip moving on its own right before forming into a more humanoid like state, albeit with several distinguishing features. His upper body, head, belt and arms were a somewhat darkened shade of yellow, while his lower body was black. His shoulders, neck and boots were a brownish-orange.

Some defining parts of his body was his black beak-like nose, a long sausage like head, long ears, and a blue tongue. However, the most defining part of his body are his whip like arms, segmented with black lines and featuring small spikes on them.

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