Chapter 22 - The Deviluke King Shows Himself! Goku Jr. the Super Saiyan!

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"So this is Earth...?"

A young boy spoke to himself as he gazed upon the surrounding of Sainan City on a rooftop. He was wearing a black jacket complete with black shorts. He was also wearing earrings which was unusual for a boy looking no older than 12 -13 to wear. He also had spiky hair that stood up.

However, in truth, the young boy was not actually a boy for he had spoken with a deep mature voice.

"Hmm... it's not so much a backwater planet than I thought." He noted some of the flying cars and strange contraptions that he could see throughout the city. "I'll have to remember to have someone update our data about this place."

A smirk appeared on his face, showing off the jagged teeth that he had.

"Now then, off to the school that Lala goes to. I wonder if that Goku kid is there with her today too."

(Opening Theme - Hold My Hand)


"Chapter 21 - The Deviluke King Shows Himself! Goku Jr. The Super Saiyan!"


Sainan High

"Ah..." Goku yawned as he stretched his limbs. "I really do hate going to school so early in the morning."

"What are you talking about, Goku? I've seen you wake up earlier than this even when there isn't school." Rito said.

The two were now making their way through the hallway, as another school day had lazily passed Sainan High, and for once things had been completely calm.

Students had begun to flow out of the school to enjoy the rest of their day or into whatever clubs they had decided to take up to further themselves and hopefully find a niche in a competitive society. 

"Yeah, but at least I can get my body to move more than I do at school. Mr. Honnekawa's lessons can be a little boring."

"...Fair point." Rito agreed, taking notice of a certain pink-haired princess not among them. By the way, where's Lala? Wasn't she in class with us?"

The demi-saiyan shrugged. "Not sure, she I think said Zastin wasn't to speak to her about someth-!?"

Goku stopped quickly widened his eyes as he looked straight ahead, stopping in his tracks.

"Goku?" Rito asked as he looked towards his friend, noticing the boy's sudden change of  demeanor. "What's wrong?"

"I have a feeling that something is wrong." Goku replied. "For a brief moment, I felt an incredibly powerful energy here on campus...And it's way stronger than anything I've faced so far."

Rito's eyes widened at that. "Wait, are you serious?" He asked in shock. He knew Goku was strong, but for him to say that there was something stronger on Earth meant it was serious. "Do you think it could be another suitor?"

"I don't know. But I'm gonna find out." Goku replied with narrowed eyes.

With that, the young man quickly bolted down the hallway, zipping past students in the process.

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