Chapter 20 - Birthday Surprises, A Celebrity's Encounter

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Yuuki  Household

That morning, Goku woke up with a strange feeling. He didn't know what the cause was, but it wasn't the presence of anyone dangerous that caused him to have such a feeling.

The young man went about his usual morning routine of taking a bath and brushing his teeth before heading downstairs for breakfast.

When he arrived at the table, he saw that Mikan was already done making breakfast and was just finishing setting up the tableware. She then noticed presence at that point and smiled.

"Morning sleepyhead. Catch a good night's rest?" She teased.

"Morning, Mikan. I did" Goku replied as he dug in. "Though for some reason I have this weird feeling on the back of my mind. Don't know what it is though."

"Hmm, it probably has something to do with the fact that a certain someone isn't here with us."

"What are you...?" Goku began before he looked around the room. Rito wasn't at the table yet, but a certain pinkette wasn't around when usually she was one of the first to sit down during breakfast.

"No wonder I was feeling something off. Where's Lala? I haven't seen her all morning..."

"Well, she woke up earlier today and said that she had some errands to run. She said that she'd be skipping school." Mikan said as she sat down one more plate.

"Skipping school?" Goku was somewhat surprised. Lala was, from the moment she stepped into his classroom dressed in uniform, always the type to get excited in going to school. For her to skip it was strange indeed, a trait out of character from what he knew of her.

'Now that I think about it, aside from what I've seen and what she's already told me, I barely know anything about Lala.'

For a reason unknown the young man he was troubled by this fact. He didn't understand why, but he just didn't like it at all.

"Well, I'm gonna go wake up Rito," Mikan said as she headed out of the kitchen. Though she stopped for a moment and looked over her shoulder at the demi-saiyan. "Speaking of which, today's a special day for him, Goku."

The Son boy paused at his meal and looked up at the girl with a tilted head. "Huh?"

(Opening Theme - Hold my Hand)


"Birthday Surprises, A Celebrity's Encounter"


'It really has been a while since I walked to school without Lala with me...'

Goku stretched his arms as he let out a relaxed sigh. Today was a fine day to be taking a walk. A not to hot sun shining brightly, a clear sky, and gentle breeze all over. What more could a person ask?


The young fighter casually avoided being squished by a giant fist. He looked forward to see Yami staring at him with her usually emotionless face.

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