Chapter 21- Kill it with Sickness! Shocking Reveals

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Goku slowly opened his eyes as light struck his face. He felt something heavy breathing on his chest and looked down and saw that it was none other than Lala who once again snuck into his bed while he was asleep, the girl was naked as usual.

 'I though you said you'd be sleeping in that lab of yours from now on.' Goku sighed as he gently woke the girl up.

"Lala." He said, "It's time to get up." Lala slowly blinked her eyes as she woke up before she shot straight up in the bed holding the sheets to her chest. She had a huge blush on her face as she went wide-eyed.


She ran out of the room covering herself in his bed sheets, leaving a bewildered Goku alone as he questioned the very un-Lala like behavior that she just exhibited.

"Uh... okay, I stand corrected."

(Opening Theme - Hold My Hand)


"Chapter 21 - Kill it with Sickness! Shocking Reveals"


"Uh... Lala, you okay?"

Goku asked the girl as she walked in front of him on their way to school. Something was definitely strange about her, especially the way she behaved since she had awoken that morning.

She was far more... reserved to say the least. The Lala he knew was an active and cheerful girl, the way she was behaving was more in line with someone like Haruna.

"Of course I am... Why do you ask?"

"Uh, Well... ever since this morning..."

A blush quickly formed on the girl's face. "Um... could we please not talk about it?" She asked, in a somewhat quiet tone. "It's kinda embarrassing."

'Em...Embarrassing?' He asked himself. 'You do that on average about every other night. Heck, you walk around naked in the house after every bath you take.' He looked down as he tried to figure out what was wrong with the girl.

Rito just walked side by side with Goku looking around awkwardly. ".....Soooooo....." He said. "Did I miss something?" He asked as they continued down the road. Goku sighed and told him that he would tell him later.

"HEEEY!" A shout came as as the trio looked up to see Mio, Risa, and Haruna. Rito went to pieces and started blushing as soon as Haruna greeted the boy.

"Yo, Lala~" Risa spoke out with a smile. "Good morning."

"Good morning, Goku and Lala." Haruna greeted.

"Yo." Goku merely waved back.

"Good morning to you as well. Haruna-san, Risa-san, and Mio-san." Lala greeted with a smile. "Shall we move on and head to class?"

They, along with Goku, blinked in surprise at the girl's formal choice of words to greet them. Before they could ask anything regarding the matter, Lala had already moved on and went towards their classroom, humming a tune.

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