Chapter 4 - Unexpected Apperance! A Couple's Engagement!?

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New chapter! Enjoy!



"Why..." Goku whined as his stomach growled for the umpteenth since the night he rescued Lala. "Mikan even forbade me from eating my lunch until lunch break."

Goku and Rito were currently walking to school on their usual path. It was more like Rito was walking with a trudging Goku trailing behind. His lunch was held over Rito's shoulder just in case Goku attempt to disobey the his little sister's orders. Rito still could feel Goku's eyes on his back as they made their way to school.

"Can you blame her?" Rito looked over his shoulder towards the saiyan. "You left the house without telling either of us again."

"But I had a good reason..."

"Not to mention there were those explosions and sirens going off last night." Rito pointed out.

"Like I said before, I was just helping someone." Goku sighed as he explained what he was up to that night.

"That's what you've been saying but Mikan and I got worried. You may be strong, but you're not invincible." Rito stated, surprising Goku at how mature he was taking the situation.

He sighed once more before remembering the night he returned home.


Last Night

Goku was running back home with the slight hope that Mikan wouldn't notice that he was gone. He didn't realize how much time had passed as he was too caught up in his fight with the two goons trying to take Lala. He may have not been using the full extent of his strength. But it was the first time in months since he had fought someone who could hold on their own.

They came to a stop while later after returning to the Yuuki home. Goku breathed slightly as he felt it was safe to let his guard down.

"I'm sorry Goku." Lala apologized. "I haven't used that thing since I was little so..."

"It's alright, it's not like I've been through worse."

"Hmm? What do you mean by that?" She asked, honestly curious.

"I tell you about it some other time, for now... wait. Didn't that thing suck in those two guys from earlier?"

"Don't worry about them! Devilukean guards are pretty tough you know!" She waved off.

"I guess." He nodded. Although they were forcing Lala to come with them, they didn't really seem like bad men. He just felt a little guilty in judging them so quickly because of their appearance.

"Also," Lala began slowly as Goku looked at her. "Thank you Goku, for helping me that is."

Goku felt himself step back slightly as he remembered the fact that Lala was an extremely beautiful girl.

"D-Don't mention it..." He mumble embarrassed.

After that, Goku offered to let Lala sleep in thouse that night since she didn't have any place to stay. However, the girl politely refused, saying that she had something to do first and bid him farewell.

He was worried about the girl since he hadn't heard from her since then, but shook himself free from the thought since she looked like she could take care of herself judging from weird inventions.

Then he realized what he had to deal with next...

Approaching the front door Goku grabbed the handle before stopping dead in his tracks, "Maybe I could sneak in through my window..."

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