Chapter 6 - Goku vs Zastin! Power of a Saiyan

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Hey guys! It's now time for the moment of truth. Goku faces off against the Captain of Deviluke. Who will merge victorious? You'll have to read it to find out.

Okay, then. With all of that away, let the chapter commence!


Morning, Yuuki Residence

Goku opened his eyes to the sounds of birds chirping, Mikan cooking in the kitchen, and the smell of...vanilla? Looking to his side, Goku saw a completely nude Lala curled up next to him with a smile on her face. In between them, Peke was there with her normal swirl eyes in thin lines; showing that she was asleep.

He blinked once...twice...three times shaking his head before he returns to sleep unable to fully understand the situation. Once he understood that is was not his imagination or a dream he stood up with a shout, waking up Lala.

''LALA WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? A-AND N-N-N-NUDE!?'' Goku yelled, blushing crimson. His hands were covering his eyes to avoid to see anything else. Even if he has a clear photo on his mind of her body.

''Mmm. Morning, Goku.'' She mumble rubbing her eye with one hand. '' What happened?'' She asks confused for the sudden commotion.

''Lala! You can't sleep on my bed without clothes!'' He tried to explain to her.

''But Peke need to recharge at night so I have to sleep nude.'' She explains to him titling her head.

''I'm sorry Goku, but I need time to rest as well.'' Peke explained.

''At least give me warning or...wait'' Goku paused. ''Why are you even sleeping on my bed Lala?'' He cried dramatically. "Were you serious about that?"

''That is obvious. I'm going to be your bride so it's only natural that we need to sleep together. '' She smiles at him closing her eyes cutely.

"I...guess that make sense." Goku started. "But we aren't even husband and wife."

"Yet." Lala corrected.

"Hey Goku! Hurry up and take a shower! Breakfast is almost-" Mikan said poking her head into the guest room, only to see Lala naked on Goku's bed.



(Opening Theme - Hold My Hand)


 "Goku Jr vs Zastin! Power of a Saiyan!"


"Great, now Mikan thinks I'm a pervert."

"Come on Goku, I wanna try more of Mikan's cooking~" Lala said, now dressed in her Peke outfit.

After several minutes of getting scolded by and angry Mikan, Goku and Lala made their way downstairs to eat breakfast with the Yuuki siblings. Goku was wearing a dupilcate gi similar to the one of his Grandfather, Goku Sr with the Power Pole now strapped to his back once again.

"Yo!" He greeted, upon entering the kitchen.

"Morning." Rito spoke, before noticing Goku's attire. "Oh, that's right. Your fight is today, isn't it?"

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