Chapter 35 - Power of Super Saiyan 2! Promises of the Future!

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At last, here we are! The last chapter of the Mutant Machine Saga of "Dragon Ball Ru"! Man, it's been a while ride riding this one. Soon, we'll be heading into Motto To Love Ru territory, so look forward to that!

Without further adu, enjoy!

(Opening Theme - Dragon Ball Heroes)


First, it showed the battle between Goku Jr and General Rildo, before showing the pair's arms were moving so fast that it looked like they'd both sprouted multiple fists.

"Previously on 'Dragon Ball Ru'! The battle between Goku Jr and General Rildo began in earnest! And a spectular begining it was.

"Why did you decided to start walking instead of continuing to crawl and then why did you venture into space then continue to walk?" Rildo scoffed. "Progress, my little friend. Natural evolution. Just as the inferior beings this planet was replaced from our robot mutants, so too does forward progress dictate that this must happen thought-out the galaxy. Dr. Myuu is the grand conductor of this organization and there is nothing you can do to stop him. The strong must flourish and the weak must perish!"

"Is that so?" The demi Saiyan spoke as he exhaled shaprly, his golden aura bursting into life once more. "Alright then. I'll play by your rules then, but don't be surprised when you find that we are not as weak as you think!"

"Fine. Then I'll just break your spirit! Here and now!" Rildo said before he bellowed out with a wave of power burst from his body and slammed so hard into Goku that it made him stagger. The building beneath the general cracked and broke under the strain of supporting Rildo's increasing power and smaller pebbles began to fly of their own accord, rising into the air to hang like earthen rosaries. Rildo's pupils dilted into the whites of his eyes and his muscles began to expand. To Goku's amazement, his aura surged higher and higher.

"However, General Rildo was determined to shatter the young warrior's and soon revealed his full power, which he used to quickly turned the tables.

"I can manipulate all the metal on the Planet M-2 at will and everything you see here exists as part of my body and I have every intention of defeating you by using it all!" Rildo exlcaimed with a predatory grin.

A shadow fell over the young warrior, who looked behind him and paled. A massive ball of metal had risen up behind him without his noticing and was getting ready to slam down on him like a ton of bricks. The ball began its descent and Goku thrust his hands out to meet it.


The shockwave blew a neat round hole in the onrushing liqudy substance and the sphere collapsed on him, though the demi saiyan managed to avoid any real injuries as the hole passed by him.

Something slammed him from behind and carried Goku straight into a wall, smashing him into it and pinning him. He hissed in pain as the hand clenched tight around him, grinding his elbows into his ribs.

"HAAAHAHAHAHAA!" Rildo crowed. "This is gonna be FUN! Hope you last a while boy, 'cause you're gonna suffer slowly!" With that, the arm holding Goku withdrew then shot out again, slamming him headlong into sign that shattered upon impact.

It then showed Goku using his 'Twin Kamehamea' attack to nuke most of the city, only for Rildo to slam his fist into the boy's stomach hard. The next scene showed Goku in the air before the machine leader to blast the Son boy into the ground, utterly defeated.

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