Maybe he'll just watch for now?...

He didn't know how long it took- probably about halfway through the movie, when he looked down and realised that Todoroki had fallen deeply asleep on his lap. How someone that had just been asleep for several hours could keep being tired, he didn't know... but he also always went to sleep early..

"Hey.." He whispered it- afraid of waking the one on his lap, while trying to get the green haired boys attention, from the other side of the couch. "Hey"

It took two tries, but he eventually looked over, which made Bakugou nod towards the boy on their laps- letting Midoriya know of the two toned boys absence in the movie.

The greenette then made an 'oh' with his mouth, before reaching out to pull the blanket further up Shoto's body. He really were deeply asleep, huh? Not even a wink...

Bakugou then turned his attention back towards the screen, only to almost jump as a sound came from his lap- turning his attention straight towards Shoto, who had now started snoring ever so slightly.

He could actually be quite... tolerable when he weren't awake..


"Are you finally done sleeping?"

Kaminari mocked him, as Shoto awoke from yet another slumber... this one unintended...

"Very funny" He answered- trying to sound as sarcastic as possible, while rising from his slumped over position on the couch. It wasn't his fault that the medicine made him dizzy and sleepy...

Bakugou and Midoriya had wrestled out from under his body at some point... though the fact they managed to do it without waking him, was what shocked him the most...

"Let him be. At least he only sleeps in his spare time, Kaminari" Iida suddenly said, speaking facts as everybody knew of Kaminari's dozing off in class every now and then. This though, only earned Iida a grunt from Kaminari, as he mumbled something along the lines of:

"At least he only sleeps in his spare time.." He mumbled it in a mocking tone, but Shoto couldn't help the little smile that plastered its way onto his features. 

His classmates always managed to make him laugh... even when it wasn't intended..

Shoto steadily rose from the couch afterwards, only to feel his whole body ache- god it hurt.. had he been sleeping wrong?

But even though his whole body was aching, Shoto couldn't ignore the feeling of not feeling his throat burning... had the sleep helped on his throat too? "Come on, you need something to eat" Midoriya suddenly called from the kitchen and Shoto steadily made his way towards the dining table- only to see his entire class already there.

"Did you sleep well?" Yaoyorozu then asked, while reaching over the table to get a piece of bread. Shoto just nodded though, as he reached to get his own. "Oh" She suddenly said, as she turned her attention away from her food and towards Shoto instead- "Aizawa called and said that your family was going to visit later today"

He did what?

Shoto hadn't even told his family about his disease yet, so if they were coming here out of nowhere and with no real intentions, they must of found out somehow... though if that was from Aizawa or by their own, he didn't know...

"..They are? What time?" He asked timidly- wanting to know the answer, but not knowing if he could handle it... did he even want them here?

"I think he said about lunch time" She then said, and the words instantly downed on Shoto-

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