Chapter 23....

Começar do início

"Jo got a lap dance and then this really hunky one with long hair gave one to Lyd. He kept flirting with her." Sydni rambled.

"And thennnn," Tasha took over. "We decided to go to the club down the street after where we got some free shots. They were really good shots." The drunk smile she had proving just how much she's had to drink.

"Then we danced and got on tables and danced while people cheered." None of the guys said anything as we kept talking.

"But some asshole had to go and ruin the night by trying to hit on us. When he wouldn't stop I kicked him in the balls and punched him." I said mater of factly with a proud ass grin on my face. "See." I held up my right hand which was swollen and hurt like a bitch, but at least the alcohol numbed the pain a bit.

"The club security didn't like that and tried to kick us out, can you believe that." Josie rolled her eyes. "When we refused to leave they tried to manhandle us so Tasha hit one." This time it was Tasha's turn to grin proudly.

"Right in the nose. You woulda been proud babe."

"Next thing we know the cops came and we came here." Sydni waved around as if we were in a 5 star hotel and not a jail cell. "The officers are really sweet."

Right on cue in walked Officer Newby with four water bottles in her hands.

"Officer." Josie cheered. "You made it."

Even drunk I didn't miss the way the lady officers eyes widened at the sight of the guys in front of her. Hard not to stare when they all looked good enough to eat.

"That's my fiancé." Josie pointed to Wyatt with her hand sticking out of the bars. I could tell the officer was starstruck as she just kept on staring.

"The ladies are free to go." Came another new voice. This one by an older male officer that came into view holding a key.

While Wyatt talked to the officer I kept my eyes on Landon. He has yet to say a word but boy was he hot when he was angry. I sent him a wink, which looked more like I was having a seizure, which made him narrow his eyes even more.

The sound of the cell door opening took my attention away.

"Thank god I have to pee." Sydni said, standing up and walking out of the cell, although she looked like a newborn baby walking in her heels.

I stood from the bench trying my hardest not to tip over. Now that I was standing my head was swirly and felt like my heels were taller than five inches.

One by one we walked out of the cell. Each guy coming forward to grab our arms so we don't fall.

Landon held my elbow as I teetered on my heels. I looked up at him with a drunk smile.

"Thank you."

"Lets get you home." Came his gruff response. Grrr.

"Good luck with the apps girly." Tasha said to Officer Newby as we passed by her.

"Let us know how it goes!" Josie said over her shoulder.

With that the guys lead us out of the police station, occasionally saying a thank you to the officers we passed. Each one looked at Wyatt, Trevor and Bryton with wide eyes.

"Only you guys would make friends with a police officer." Wyatt commented as we came to the parking lot.

"She was the best." Josie said with a nod.

I leaned into Landon's side as we walked across the parking lot. My eyes were droopy but I was still feeling pretty good from the alcohol. Give me another hour and we'll see if that changes.

Fear of LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora