How do I tell my best friend that I'm sleeping with her fiancé's brother but it wasn't anything serious? I don't think Josie would care or be angry with me but she would definitely be concerned.

"So much is happening and I'm excited." I lied, shrugging. Josie hummed but let it slide. "Looking forward to our painting class with Evelyn tomorrow?" I changed the subject.

Yesterday I got a text from Landon's mother asking if I wanted to join her for her painting class. The way she spoke about it the other day I was intrigued about what the class was like.

"Why am I kinda scared to go?" I laughed thinking the same thing. "She seemed too eager to have us tag along."

"I'm definitely intrigued."

"Also," Josie leaned forward lowering her voice. "I think she's seeing someone." I felt my eyes widen at her words.

"Evelyn? Dating?"

"Yeah. She came with Wyatt and I to the venue this weekend and she seemed really giddy. Had her phone close by."

"Ohh interesting." I mused, the two of us shared raised eyebrows. "I mean good for her. Wonder who it is."

"Maybe its someone who's at the pottery class."

"Okay now we do have to go tomorrow."

"My exact thoughts." Josie nodded.

"Does Wyatt know?"

"Nah he didn't even notice. Not that I blame him with playoffs around the corner and the wedding." Josie explained. "I'm not sure she really is seeing someone and I don't want to add anymore stress."

"Think he'd be okay with his mom dating?" Wonder what Landon would think.

"You know I'm not sure. I think it would be awkward at first but he only wants her to be happy."

I don't know all the details about Landon's father leaving but I know Evelyn did everything she could to make sure her boys were taken care of. Like any mom she's put her needs on the back burner.

"She deserves it." When Evelyn met me the first time she embraced me like I was one of her own. I've never had someone like Evelyn in my life. She was a mom figure that I never had.

Right then my phone started ringing, ending our conversation. Sending me wave Josie left my office as I picked up my phone. Work never ends.

"Hello, this is Lydia Ellis."

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Walking into the rink later that afternoon I felt myself smiling, thinking about last Friday. Never thought I'd see the day where I would want to willingly get on the ice again. Just wait until all of us play another game of hockey.

I was pleasantly surprised at how many people were here. I had to dodge a few little kids as they ran around, followed by their parents. They had quite the turn out for a junior hockey game. I don't know what team they are playing but by the amount of family's here it was another local team.

Weaving my way through the crowd I made my way towards Landon's office. The game was set to start in twenty minutes so I had a feeling he wasn't going to be in his office and instead in the locker room.

Peeking in his office I was right. He was most likely in the locker room with the kids going over plays. I've yet to see him actually coach so I was intrigued to see that side of him. Landon can be quite intense when he wants to be, so it wouldn't be surprising if he was as a coach.

Before I could talk myself out of going into the locker room, I opened the door and stepped in. Wasn't sure if Landon was going to be happy seeing me but I followed the sounds of voices.

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