Chapter 27

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Slowly i open my eyes, my head throbbing so badly.
Sharp pain make its way to my head "Ah!" I reach for my head but i couldn't because my hands are tied on the chair i'm sitting on. Why am i tied up?
Where am i? I look around the small room i'm in.

I jump gasping as the door open with a bang.
"You're awake principessa" the voice says, i flinch at the nickname. I dont like it, not when its not Luca who's using it.

He lied.

"Where am i? And who are you" i ask trying to free myself from the ropes. Urgh, this is useless. The person approaches me, but i cant really see his face since its dark in here. "Why am i tied up on the chair?"

He laughs "Why so many questions principessa?" He ask crossing his arms.

"DONT... just dont call me that" i say frustrated. I'm angry, angry at everything. Angry at Luca for lying, for hiding the truth. Angry because i'm tied up on this fu- ducking chair. Angry beause i dont know where am i... wait, i'm kidnapped? Oh no! My mom. My brother. School.

"Yes you're kidnapped, darling" he says touching my cheeks.

"Dont touch me" i send him a glare, not sure whether he can see me or not. Suddenly i'm slapped. I whimper, i'm refusing to cry. I'm not gonna cry, no i'm not.

"Okay enough with this little chit-chat" he says taking a chair, he place it infront of me before sitting on it. "He's the reason why you're here. Luciano, your little boyfriend" what?

"Who? Luciano? Oh puh-lease, that liar is not my boyfriend and he will never be" i'm sorry Luca,

"Liar?" He chuckles. I nod. "Interesting" he says leaning back on the chair.

"You see, its very useless to keep me here. He doesn't care about me and the feeling is mutual" i lie. I care about Luca, i really do. And yes I'm so angry at him.

He slap me hard again "i hate lies, darling"
Tears start rolling down my cheeks, it hurts.
"Who are you?" I ask wanting to know who is he. He probably knows my name.

"You will know soon" he says coldly his accent -that i dont- creeps out. But i think its Luca's accent.

"Can i atleast go to the toilet? Please" i plead, he stare at me for seconds before untying the ropes on my hands and ankles. I rub my wrists standing up from the chair, i walk with out of the door. This is my chance, i look in the hallwayks there's no one. I start running to the opposite direction where from him,

"HEY! STOP RUNNING BITCH" he yelled running after me. I hit on something... someone, i look up and i'm met with a smirking Andriano. I plead with my eyes looking at him, he shake his head no. He drag me back to the door room, he push me down the floor and start kicking me.

My abdomen!

"Please stop, i'm begging you please" i cry hiding my face with my arms. He cant kick my precious pretty face. He lift me up to my feet with my long hair, he pulls my hair. I scream, it hurt so much.
He punch me in the face, the air is knocked out of me.

I fall back on the floor, my eyes slowly close.

   The Next Day.

"Shut up Marcus"

Marcus? The one who tried to...

"Dont tell me to shut up Andriano. If ever Luciano finds out what i did, i'm dead"

Why Luca is involve with this people? He send them to kidnap me. But he and Andriano dont get along... wait, Andriano is the one who kidnapped me. He found me.

"Would you two shut it? Thank you. Now Marcus stop stressing about that donkey, let's focus on what we have here"

Did he call Luca a donkey? The nerve.

"We have his girl, HIS girl damnit" 

I slowly open my eyes and guess what? I'M STILL TIED ON THIS DUCKING CHAIR.
"Hi there. How was your beauty sleep?" the guy who is not familiar says making the two -Andriano and Marcus- turn to me. I sure had my beauty sleep there.

"What is that boyfriend of yours planning?" Andriano ask coming close to me.

"He's not my boyfriend. And i dont know what you're talking about" i say gritting my teeth.


"I will ask you one more time. What is he planning, why did he suddenly call a ball metting? The shipments? Surely you know about this since you're sleeping together" Andriano says. I look at him furious,

"I'm not a slut like your girlfriend, Andriano" i say referring to Meissy, i know he loves her but she doesn't because she wants Luciano. He yank my hair making me look up at him by force, he mouths 'bitch', "I dont know anything about that you coward" i whisper for him to hear.

"You fucking called me a coward?" He ask furiously.

I nod "Yeah and its ducking not fu-king" i stated. He punch me repeatedly, taking out all his anger to me. A punching bag.

"Marcus tell everyone to not give her food and water. She can starve to death. Let's go" with that they walk out closing the door behind them.


No food, no water? But i'll die.

Urgh, idiots.


"What do you want?" I ask again.

"We want you, baby doll" the taller one says grinning.

"We want to have fun with you" the one who's holding me says as he's pinning me on the car. He start kissing my neck, tears start rolling down my cheeks.

"Ssh, dont cry" he insert his hands inside my hoodie and t-shirt, touching my skin. I try pushing him away, but he's strong.

"Stop please... p-please stop" i cry trying to get out of his hold.

"Marcus let her go, its enough" the other one says pulling his friend off me. He stops letting me go before getting inside the car laughing. They all get inside the car, speeding off the road.

End of Flashback.


He was working for Andriano all this time, i should have known. I wonder what did Marcus do that will make Luca kill him.

He kidnapped us.
Yeah, that i know Cassie. But i dont understand..

"-What is he planning, why did he suddenly call a ball metting? The shipments? Surely you know about this since you're sleeping together"

That motherfudge thought i was sleeping with Luca, i'm not a slut going around sleeping with every handsome boy here. Gross. A ball metting?
I know nothing about that, really. I never heard Luca talking about that, never ever.

He asked about the shipments, i dont know nothing about those.


Yes shipme-  wait... Cass, are you thinking what i'm thinking?

Luciano is a gangster.


Hi besties♡♡

I think this chapter is short :(

If you like it!!

Love all the marshmallow family♡♡

Falling for himDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora