Chapter 43

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You know, i sometimes forget that this person i fallen for is a Mafia King but that doesn't stop my feeling for him. Not a bit.

"What's going on between you and Luca?" My brother ask breaking the silence. I freeze, my mouth opening and close "Are you dating?" I remain silent because i myself dont knlw what we are. We just confessed our feeling, i dont know where we're standing.

"Should i call him and ask him myself?" He threaten picking his phone on the table.

"No dont!" I stop him holding his hand. I sigh "Zander look, i know you dont like Luciano but i do. I like him, okay? I like him so much, he makes me feel the things i never felt before, he makes me happy. I dont know why but i... i just like him, i know that he's not the person you want me to be with but my heart chose him. We cant control feelings and you know it, heck, everyone knows this..." i pause, i dont know what to say anymore.

"You really like him, do you?"

I nod shyly looking away, hiding my probably red face. My phone pings, its Luca's message.
"Tell him to come in" Zander says standing up walking to the kitchen. My eyes widen,

How did he-

"I saw the message, peach" he hollered, i mentally cuss myself for saying that loud. I stand up rushing outside, i see him leaning on his car like usual. Today he's wearing a white t-shirt, light colors looks good on him. I run up to him and launche myself at him, he caught me and spin me around.

"Looks like someone missed me" he says putting me back down to my feet, he showers me with kisses. I giggle at his action.

"How's my beautiful lady?" He ask brushing my hair out of my face.

"Now that you're here, i'm feeling splendid" i wink, he laughs leaning his head on the car, looking up at the sky. His adam's apple moving up and down as he does so.

"I didn't know you have this side in you" he says after his laugh died down, i shrug smiling.

"Let's go in" i say pulling him with me to the house, i silently pray that Zander doesn't pull his annoying stunts. I walk in closing the door behind us, we find Zander sitting in the living room munching on his apple.

"Johnson" Luca greets him,

"De Caprio" Zander greets back, they are on surname basis? "Come sit" Zan says making me frown.

"How's the company going?" Luca ask while taking a seat few metres away from my brother.

"Very well, but i'm still looking for an investor" Zan shrug. He's been looking for an investor since... i dont know when and he doesn't want to ask his friend Max, for some reason i dont know and dont wanna know.

"I can help you with that" Luca say causing both me and Zander to turn to him with wide eyes. We keep quiet and wait for him to continue "I can be your company's investor" with that said, i turn to my brother. He seems unsure but this is a great deal, i know.

"Its fine, i'll give you enough time to think about it... look Johnson, i know that we didn't have a great start. I know you hate my guts but i like your sister so much, i promise to protect her with every fibre in my body. So i was hoping that we should start on a fresh footing" he end up his speech like that, he stand up sticking his hand out for a shake.

Zander stand up up shaking Luca's hand "If you hurt her, i'll end you De Caprio... Treat her like a princess" he says sitting down again. Why do they speak like i'm not here, ugh boys.

"I'll treat her like a Queen. Do we have your blessings for our relationship? Because i know that i already have Mrs Johnsons" Luca ask pulling me to him, i smile nervously waiting for my brother's answer.

"Well, you make my sister happy so... you have my blessings too" with that said I jump hugging my brother, he's a brother and a father to me. It would really break me to not have his blessings. I whisper a 'thank you' to him before pulling away.

I hold Luca's hand ready to drag him with me to my room.
"Gracias Johnson. Next time i'll be asking her hand in marriage, get yourself ready" (Thank you Johnson) Luca says teasing my brother who gave him a glare in respond. Luca and i chuckle going away but we stop when my brother call Luca.

"Look man, i dont hate you. But you know what i hate? Seeing you outside my house making out with my sister, especially at night while other people are sleeping" my eyes widen feeling the heat rush to my face at Zander's words, i turn to Luca who has a sly smirk and seem to careless about this.

"Next time we will try and keep it pg 13, right principessa?" Luca says teasing me, this motherfudge. I nod walking up to my room, i hear them laugh behind me.

I lie on my bed facing the ceiling... why is he taking time. Are they having a tea party without the princess? The door open revealing Luca. He flop himself on the bed then he pull me to him, i lie my head on his chest.

"Your mother said dont lock the door, like you did yesterday" he says playing with my hair. Yesterday i was home alone and i didn't feel safe so i went to sleep i locked my bedroom door. I guess mom wanted to check me only to find out that i locked the door.

"She's back already?" I look up at him, he nods then peck my lips "Zander saw us that day?" I ask at which he chuckles nodding his head "why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't want you to go back inside, yet" he say kissing my nose. I smile, what did i do to deserve someone like him. God, i'm gonna cry "Hey are you crying?"

"No i'm not" i say laughing blinking the tears away. He hum, we fall in a comfortable silence. I wonder if he didn't move where would we be in life, many thing would have happened.

"Be ready at seven pm tomorrow, i'm taking you out" he suddenly say.

"Dude, are you asking me out on a date?" I ask teasing him.

"Who are you calling dude, huh?" He ask, i laugh mouthing 'you'. He shake his head smirking "A bird told me that you're not ticklish, can i test the theory?" With that he gets up and start tickling me. I burst out laughing, trying to push him away from me.

"S-stop... please stop" i say between the laugh, he peck my lips before letting me go. I breath out, sitting up from the bed "Luca?"


"Do you remember when i ask about the existing of the 'knight in shining armor'?" I ask quoting with my fingers. He nod "It think they exist" i say laying my head on his chest.

"They do?" He ask while brushing the hair out of my face. I nod smiling, he chuckles planting a kiss on my forehead.


Well, well, well. That was some nice chapter we read there.
I love these two :)

Don't forget to VOTE !!

Love, sindi_bun

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