Chapter 07

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I woke earlier than usual, i'm still deciding whether i should go to school or not. I just dont feel like going but i know mother will force to go, if not my mother then Karson or even the twins. But to be honest i dont care about school right now, i just want to find those motherfuckers who ruined my mother's life, my life and maybe my padre's life (Father).

I usually dont attend my first class, yes i wake up early but you will never see me at school early. Its funny how good my grades are, not that i put effort in my school work. I just happened to be this hot and clever, a genius to be exact. I got that from my mother, by the way. I showered, after i was done i put on my usual black attire and my leather jacket that i love so much. My phone rings. I press the accept button when i see who it is.

I press the phone against my ear and wait for him to talk, but he doesn't.
"Bark Karson" i angrily say to the phone.
"Can you be less rude?" he huff following by a shuffle of papers.
"Karson" i say in a warning tone. He tends to do this all the time. Yes he may be my cousin and bestfriends, but i sometimes wish i could make him disappear by simply blowing his stupid head.
"Okay okay, jeez man. You father called, it was suppose to be a secret but you know i cant keep things from you. So he called and said that i should make sure you attend this upcoming  Ball, since that was cancelled because of the Martinez famalia" he says. Oh so he called him not me.
"We will talk about that at school" i say and end the call. I wonder what has gotten into my father's head, because he's clearly losing his mind. I went down.

"Morning mother" i greet my mom.
"Morning honey" she replied smilling at me. I look away from her, because i just cant look at her much longer her smile reminds me of hers. Her, the reason why we're like this, the reason why i dont get along with my padre (father). No, i dont blame her. Its not her fault but mine. I should have protec-

"Stop that Luca. I know what you're thinking" mom says sadness dripping in her voice.
"I should go. See you later" i kiss her cheek and made my way to my car. I know i cant keep running like this but i can't, it kills me when i see her sad. I've seen that enough in the past few years, right now all i want is to see her happy and smiling more. Even though i'm not able to look at her smile, but one day i will, that's a promise i will keep. I went to pick up Karson and we drove to school together.

"So..." Karson says when we were walking down the school hallways. I look at him waiting for him to finish whatever he's saying, but he was gazing at something else. I follow his gaze, the fucker is looking at my childhood friend, Leilani Johnson. Last weekend we made some follow ups and we found that she is indeed my childhood friend. At first i was surprised but it all clicked, i mean her hazel eyes her name. I wasn't sure about her lastname because we never told each other our last names. After knowing that information, Karson never shut his damn mouth about.

"When are you going to tell her?" he ask after clearing his throat. Thats a good question though, when am i going to tell her?. I shrugg my shoulders.
"Are you going to the class?" He's always the first one to breaks the silence. I shake my head no.
"Good. We have to talk" he says and for a minute i thought we were going to talk about Leilani but i remembered that we have an unfinished business that we have to discuss. I nod. We walked until we found a perfect spot to talk about thi matter.

"So as i have said in the morning that your padre called. I also think you should attend the Ball, Luca. You cant keep avoiding this matter every single time. We have to make a move this time we cant just sit back and fold our arms, thats useless. We gotta make a move with or without your padre's permission" he says.

"We have to show them how powerful our familia is. Yes they might have won last time, but they will never win this time" he add.

"Don't you think i also want revenge? I do Karson, i do want a revenge but i'll be putting my mother at risk. I dont want history to repeat its self, i cant lose her and she cant lose me. She needs me as much as i need her" i was literally shouting the words out.

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