Chapter 42

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Its about three days Leila hasn't found her necklace, even though she knows that the intruder took it she still doesn't want to believe it. I can tell that its stressing her but she doesn't want to show it, its pointless because i can read her like an book.

"Capo, we have a problem!" I spin around with my office chair at the voice and see Cobra breathing heavily.

"What kind of problem is that, that makes you forget to knock?" I ask going back at facing the wall.

"I apologize for that capo. Its Marcus"

"What did that rat do now?" I ask lazily,

"He escaped" What? I spin around facing him, i slowly get up from the chair.

"What!?" Damnit! They should have let me kill that fucker that day, now look, he fucken escaped "Who helped him escaped?"

"We dont know yet" he reply

"Let's go" i say taking my gun on the table, rushing out of my office Cobra behind me "Where the hell is he!?" My voice boomed in the capture room. His cell is empty, someone helped that motherfucker to escape. Our security is tight, he cant manage to escape without the help of someone inside.

"What's happening?" Karson question entering the room followed by Alex and Leo. Their eyes widen when they notice Marcus's empty cell "He escaped, did he?" I nod.

"When did he escaped?" I ask the guards

"We dont know capo but it seems like its been days"

"AND YOU'RE TELLING ME NOW!?" I yell pacing around, i click my tongue. They are all useless, damnit. I ignore their apologies and fish my phone out of my pocket, ringing Marco.


"Come to the base, we need you" i end the call, turning to Andriano's cell. He's been kept in his cell since we came back from the mission, we didn't want to kill him yet but today... today its his last day "Take him to the base!" I say to the guards.

They nod unlocking his cell, they drag him away to the base. Poor him, he's going to die because of his stupid friend who decided to escape from me. I walke out of the room. I hear the multiple footsteps following me, i know its the three "Leo, locate the fucker's whereabouts"

"On it"

I walk to my office, i need to think. I sit down on my chair, leaning my head on the headrest closing my eyes. I really need to think. Who dared to help Marcus? I think i have become so soft, i need to remind them who am i. They've clearly forgotten my name.

I hear the door open, close.
"Get out and start by knocking!" I spat not opening my eyes.

"Relax, its me" Karson says coming closer, i open my eyes glaring at him. He ignores me sitting on the chair opposite to me "Who do you think helped him?" he ask calmly.

"I dont know but when i catch them, i will kill them painfully and no one will stop me" i say the last part more to him, he's the one who stopped me from killing Marcus. He raise up his hands in surrender not saying anything.

His voice sounded a little familiar, i couldn't see his face because he was wearing a balaclava.

Leilani's words from that day at night replay in my mind, i freeze. Its him, damnit.
"Cazzo!" (Fuck!)

"What's on your mind?" Karson ask.

"He's the fucken intruder, damnit" Karson knows about the intruder, all my loyal familia knows about it. We were still trying to find the person but there's no need to do that because i know who did it. Luck is on our side, i guess.

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