Chapter 19

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I groan as my alarm goes off, i switch it off and went out of bed. I walk to the kitchen to drink a glass of water before taking a shower. I grap a glass and pour water, i gulp it in seconds.

"Morning baby sis" i jump turning around in fast motion, i was face to face with my shirtless brother. I hear him mutter 'oh shit'. If i wasn't scared, i would have scolded him for cussing.

"Dont sneak on me like that!" i whisper yelled calming myself down. My heart rapidly thumping in the ribcage. This Andriano thing is playing with my mind.

"I wasn't sneaking. I thought you heard me coming down the stairs" he defend himself. "Sorry" he mumble. I sign,

"Its okay. Lemme go take a shower" i say walking to my room. I quickly showered and lotion my body.

I check the weather on my phone before deciding on what to wear. 60 percent of rain. I wear my black cargo pants and white hoddie, not the one Andriano once poured with a red liquid. I paired my outfit with my black and white nike jordan.

I quickly do my face and hair. I decided not curl or tie my hair, i have long waist-length hair so i wear it down today. I usually curl it or do a neatly tied bun or a messy one, i love the messy one the most.

After i was done i went down for breakfast.
"Goodmorning mom" i greet taking a seat opposite to her. I dish for myself and start eating immediately.

"Morning sweetie" she greets back smiling. Her smile brightens the whole room. "Your brother left early for an meeting. And uh... " she pause

"I have to drive myself to school" i finish the sentence for her. She remain silent not taking her eyes off me. I look away from her and continue munching my food,

"You dont have to, i can drive you" mom says breaking the silence.

"No no you dont have too. I will walk" since they didn't let me walk yesterday, i will today.

"No you will not walk, your brother would kill me" She says with playfully.

"We dont have to tell him. It will stay between us, i promise" i let out my pinky finger, she let hers out then we cross them.

"Pinky promise" we say in unison.

"I gotta go" i say standing up from my seat, i swing my backpack on my shoulders. "Bye mom" i say as i kiss her cheek, she bit back a goodbye. I walk out and start my journey to school in a cool weather.

After 15 minutes i arrive at school, only 20 minutes left for classes to start. I decided to spend those minutes in the Library. I push open the Library door and went in.
"Goodmorning Mrs Romano" i greet as i was approaching her desk.

"Oh morning Leilani. I didn't hear you come in, how are you?" She ask smiling

"I'm good and tired" i whine putting my forehead on her desk earning a small laugh from her.

"I understand. School can be draining sometimes cocca (sweetie), you will get to rest today since its friday" i nod to her statement as she walking to the shelves to pack some books were they belong. I followed her and offered her my help which she accepts gladly.

"Mrs Romano can i ask you something?" I ask which she nod her head not looking me.

"What does capo mean?" The moment i utter the word out she froze,

"Dolcezza, where did you hear that word from?"(Sweetheart) she ask in terror

"I-i... one of my friends. They call him that" i say shrugging

"M-maybe you should ask him about it?" She suggests while continuing with packing the books.

"We are... not in good terms" i say chuckling humorlessly. The bell goes off, "Well thats my cue, bye Mrs Romano" i say taking my backpack from the chair.

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