Chapter 14

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I drive to the warehouse.

When i got there everything was upside down.

It was a mess but the attackers were nowhere to be found.

"Where are they?" I ask looking at Marco is being bandage by our family doctor.

"Gone. Carlos is dead" he stated casually.


"Yeah, he was dragging Mandy with him saying things that he will do to her when they are alone. It was just an unfortunate that his head couldn't handle a little sharp steel thingy we call a bullet" he says shrugging.

"You did what? Damnit Marco, we needed him" i say running a hand through my curly hair. How can he be so stupid? He could have atleast shot his leg not his head. Damnit.

He scoffed "How would you feel seeing someone you like being dragged by your enemy? how would you feel, huh?" He smash the glass that has alcohol in it on the wall.

When he says 'someone you like', my mind instantly went to Leilani. "You like Mandy?" I ask a bit shock. I have never seen Marco with a girl, i have never in my entire life, i thought he was gay.

"I do" he nods. I smile and walk to him and give him a bro hug.
"I would have done the same or even worse than you did" and its true, i would have done worse if it was Leila.

I may be young to the members of the familia but they respect me and i respect them as much as they do to me. But they know that they should never double cross me because i dont give people chances. If you cross me then you're dead, i dont give seconds chances.

"You guys should fix my warehouse. I'm going home" i wince as a pain make its way through my stomach.

"Yes Capo" Marco says doing a salute thing whilst trying not to laugh. Stupido. I walk out to my car and drove home.

"Hi nonna" (grandma) i greet Giada who was reading a book, she's always reading like Leilani. She look up put her book away not before putting a bookmark.

"Hello caro" (dear) she smile but her smile dropped replaced by a frown "You're in pain"

"No. I'm not" i lie

"I wasn't asking Luca. You're in pain, sit down and i will bring you food and medicine" she says disappearing in the kitchen. My lips lift up in a smile, she cares so much about me.

Soon she walk back in with a tray and give it to me, i thank her.
"I promise you will feel better after drinking them" she says patting my shoulder.

"How was your day?" Thats the question she ask everyday. I sigh

"Boring. I went to the hospital and the war-"

"Hospital?" She gasp

"Le- My... my friend's mother had an accident so i was the one who took her to the hospital to see her mother" i explain.

"Her?" She says grinning. Crap! She wont let this slide.

"Uh... yes?"

"Who's she?" She ask taking a piece of meat in my plate.

"Didn't you say this food is mine?" I ask, changing the subject. I hope she buys it and forget about this 'her' topic.

"Its yours dear. Now tell me who's the girl?" God. Told you that she will not let this slide that easily. Lets just say the moment i say her name she will recognize her name, Leilani was all i talked about.

"Leilani, her name is Leilani" i mumble but i know she heard me perfectly fine.

"Leil-... wait... Leilani?" Her eyes widen when she realizes her name. I nod drinking the painkillers. "When... when, where, how?" She ask.

"Thats a story for another day nonna Giada" i say raising from the chair with the tray and went to the kitchen, i put the dish in a dishwasher and walk back to nonna. "Goodnight nonna" i kiss her cheek and walk to my room.

I took a quick shower before going to bed. Shit, i said i will call her. Its now 22:34 pm, maybe she's still awake. I scroll down my contact until i find her. Princepessa. I press the call button.

"Hello" her small sleepy voice says over the phone. Shit, i woke her up.

"Hi" i greet her.

"Who's this?"

"King of America and Italy" i say purposely in my italian accent. She let out the soft giggles. Only if she knows that I'm telling the truth, I'm the real king.

"Hi Luciano"

"Ciao bellissimo. sei bravo?" (Hi beautiful. You good?)

"Uh... what?" She ask puzzled

I chuckle "Sorry. How are you?"

"I'm good. You really need to teach me that weird language" she huffs

"Weird?" I laugh

"Yess weird, but i want to learn it" she let out soft giggles. Music to my ears.

"I will teach you bellissimo" (Beautiful) i again chuckle, i do that a lot when i'm talking to her. She's making me soft.

"What does bellissimo mean?" She ask making me freeze.

"Uh-uh, not gonna tell you principessa"

"Does that mean princess?"

"Maybe" i chuckle tiredly

"Okay. Are you okay?"

"No I'm not" i say in a sad tone.

"What's wrong?" She ask panicking, i hear some  shuffling on the other end its like she's moving.

"I miss you plus this wound its not making things easy for me"


"I was shot in the stomach" i stated calmly. I dont know why I feel comfortable telling her this.

"What? When? How?"

"Thats a story for another day Bella. But I'm okay" i assured her.

We chatted until it was late, talking about random things. She told me about her childhood, surprisingly she didnt talk about her childhood friend (me) not even once. I was wondering if she's angry or something, i would blame her though, i left without telling her and now I'm back but I'm still not telling her.

The day she will find out i know she will be so mad at me. But i just cant bring myself to tell her, i know its gonna ruin everything we have right now. I'll rather keep this a secret until whenever. I cant lose her not when i just got her back, so i will keep quiet for now.

"Dont fall asleep on me principessa" i say hearing that she was no longer talking much, because she was the one talking and i was only listening and answering her questions. She mumble a 'mmhh'.
"Goodnight principessa" i say feeling sleepy.

"Night Luca" she says whispering.

I end the call smiling to myself like an idiot. I check the time 01:06 am. We were on the phone for three hours. I switch off the light and hit the sack immediately.

Her on my mind.


Ciao marshmallows❤️

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