Chapter 04

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 Surprise!!!!! Luciano's pov!!!!


  L U C I A N O

I hate this, i hate feeling like this, i hate everything. I know that this feeling wont go away not now. Not until he's drop dead. Motherfucker.

I'm now laying on the bed in my bedroom, when the door open revealing my mom.
"Your father wants to talk to you, why are you not answering his calls?" she raise her perfect brow at me.

"I dont wanna talk to him" i simply say.

" Answer the damn call Luciano, stop being a bitch" she exclaim surprising me. She never curse, only if she's angry. I nodded my head saying that i will answer his call. I just dont wanna talk to him right now or i might go crazy.

She smile and walk out of the door. This woman is bipolar, eh. My phone rings and i ignore it thinking that its him. It rings again. Fuck. Does he not get a message?I.Dont.Wanna.Talk.To.Him
It continues ringing. I press the accept button.

"What?" I ask my voice calm as ever.
"Non voglio parlare con il tuo vecchio, immagino " (Don't wanna talk to your old man i guess) he chuckles. Like really now? So he did get a message, he's just so... hard headed. I roll my eyes.
"I know what you did Luciano. Non mi ascolti, figliolo, ho detto di lasciar perdere e di concentrarti sul tuo lavoro scolastico" (You dont listen son i said drop the shit and focus on your  school work) he say angry.

"Scuola? Mi stai parlando della scuola? beh, non mi importa un cazzo del padre della scuola e lo sai" (School? You're telling me about school? Well i dont fucking care about school father and you know that) i try to not lose my cool right now. " And you don-" my words were cut short when my bedroom door open revealing Karson. "I have to go, talk soon... ohh e un'altra cosa. Non mollerò questa merda finché quel figlio di puttana non sarà morto, padre" (ohh and another thing. I will not drop the shit, not until the motherfucker's dead, father) i say and ending the call without hearing his answer. I sigh.

"Trouble?" Karson ask smiling so hard. He knows about this business, he knows everything actually. I will make him my right hand man when i take over my father's businesses.
"More like that" i mumble. He chuckles while shaking his head making some of his hair to fall in his eyes."What brings you here?" i ask raising my brow at him.

"Okay. Lets talk business, shall we?" he says taking the seat on a desk that is placed at the corner of my room. He take out his laptop and open it. I nodded my head saying that he can continue.
"So... yesterday i got something that will lead us to them, i mean Martinez and his step brother" he says while typing on his laptop. I stand up and went to him. He took out some papers inside his bag. "Once we find the lead, we will follow it and we should be careful this time, Luc. The ball is on friday and unfortunately you have to attend it." He says but my mind was stuck on the last part. The ball. I dont know why i have to go, i dont like it and he know it very well. I'm not a fan of fake people and the ball is full of them.
"What? I'm not going. So dont even bother and tr-"

"Che diavolo, Luciano!?" (What the hell, Luciano!?) he shouts. My eyes went up to him instantly. "What the hell is this!?"he shouts again throwing some papers to me. I bend down and pick them up. Ooh-ooh.
"What?" I act try to act normal. Keyword, try.
"Dont 'what' me. You're really doing the background check on her?. Really Luciano, really?" He shake his head not believing his eyes.

"Not now Kar, not now" I say with the warning tone. I hope he let it go, for now. He nod once and went back to his laptop. I really don't  know why i did that, i mean a background check. Thats low i know. But her eyes, its like i know her from somewhere. And to be honest i haven't  read the information on those papers i was gonna do that but now I'm rethinking my decision. I take the papers that are beside me and stare at the first page. LeilaniRoseJohnson.
"You didn't open them?" Karson says. Surprised and confusion drippping in his voice. I don't blame him though, its really surprising. But i couldn't and still can't bring myself to open the papers.
"SÌ" (yes) i replied. I try to open the them again but i can't. I sigh. Without even thinking i tear the papers and throw them on the floor, surprising him and myself.

"Ooh" i hear Kar says. He stands up from the chair and walk up to me his jaw down the floor. I bet he was not believing what he just saw because i myself dont believe what i just did.
"Why did you do that?" He ask sitting down my bed, right next to me.
"I... doing whats best" it came out more like a question. "I think?" I add.

"You think?" he scoffed, looking at me with suspicious eyes. "Why did you do it in a first place?"

"I dont know, Kar. I just... it feels like i know her from somewhere her name, her hazel eyes, her smile. She's looked so familiar, I've seen her before. I just can't figure out where and when" but i will, i sure will.

"Do you think its her? voglio dire che potrebbe essere lei a destra, who knows" (I mean it might be her)
"Her?" I ask confused. Who's her.
"Yeah. Leilani your childhood friend?" he says looking at me like horns just appear on my head. Then my brain registered his words. Childhood friend.
"It can't be her" i shake my head. No not her.

"Why not her?" he ask grinning like a fool he is. "Damn she's hot" he says looking down at his phone in hand. He pass the phone to me. Her instagram profile. I scroll down her photos. Suddenly my eyes caught something. A picture of her wearing a red gala dress with black heels, besides her was a boy wearing a black tuxedo. her boyfriend maybe? I think he might be two or a year older than me, i can't see his face properly because he's laughing not facing the camera. I read the caption 'Never a dull moment with him. I love you so much'  red hearts at the end.

"Who's he?" Kar ask.
"Her boyfriend?... i dont know" i replied handing back his phone before standing up from the bed.
"Dont wanna find out?" he says with an amused face. I shake my head no. Dont wanna know who the motherfucker is, but soon i will find out. I smirk at the thought.


Heyy good people❤️
Hope you're well and enjoying the book.

❗️: Italian is not my first nor second language.  I'm using google translater to help me, so please excuse my incorrect spellings.

Love ya'll❤️

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