"Besides the money..." David dramatically rolls his eyes which earns him some laughter. "I saw a woman who was and still is very strong despite going through something traumatic. It would have been justified for Kimora not to want to do anything because she has the pacemaker in but she was not going to let it get the best of her. Kimora had a bucket list of things that she wanted to do and it was unlike anything that I had ever expected from anybody because of how ordinary it was. You expect to read bungee jumping or skydiving but it was things like going camping, visiting monuments and stargazing."

"People think that you do it all when you're famous but there is so much that you actually miss out on because it's too dangerous. I could never go to the grocery store unless I had like twenty bodyguards and I had to have the whole store shut down so I could shop peacefully." I rub my lips together. "My schedule was always filled with things to do so I never got to explore places whenever we did a stop somewhere cool."

"Now Kimora you have previously stated that you have never been in love before

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"Now Kimora you have previously stated that you have never been in love before." I slowly nod my head. "How does it feel to now being in love?"

"Surreal." I bite down on my bottom lip. "I met my person at the age of forty which should serve as hope for all the singletons out there because I never thought that I would meet the love of my life. I was very content with being single until the end of time because I was married to the music and it felt as if I could not be myself around anyone. Men may say that they were in love with me but they were in love with the character that I presented to them."

"Everybody is wondering if there is a bun in the oven..." Ellen glances at my stomach and I purse my lips at her.

"I am not pregnant." I state outright because I don't want this to even be a rumor when I may have fertility issues. "If I go on to have children down the line then you will find out when we decide to share it with you all."

Ellen pulls a face, "Swiftly moving on... will Mr David Gandy be featured in the upcoming documentary?"

 will Mr David Gandy be featured in the upcoming documentary?"

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"You could ask Mr David himself." I give her a look because she's doing that thing where people act as if David is not here. "David, will you be featured in my upcoming documentary?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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