Chapter 5

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"My father was Afro-Latino and he was this huge black man." I smile to myself as I think of my dad. "He played tight end back in highschool so I have the most amazing pictures and videos of him playing highschool football. His name was Mr Jeremy Walker and he was the most supportive father."

I look down at a photo of my father and a tear falls from my eyes as I lightly stroke his face with my finger.

"My mother was Italian-American and she was the most beautiful woman alive. Mrs Sofia Londores Walker may have been a pure soul but she was not naive to the dangers of the world so she always stood her ground." More tears fall from my eyes as I look at a picture of my mom who has the biggest smile on her face. "This photo emulates her best, she was always smiling and laughing at my dad's jokes."

I set the photo down on the table.

"My parents were so in love and they completely showered me in love. It was overwhelming at times but it's nice to know that they always had my back, no matter." I stare at the photo as a string of memories start playing in order in my mind. "There was always this assumption that I grew up dirt poor and I never spoke about it because it was a false narrative. We owned a beautiful three bedroom home a little outside the suburbs but my parents were just not into electronics. We owned a house phone but we didn't have a radio or a TV which I think was for the best because it allowed us to enjoy life. If we wanted to watch a movie, we would head down to the movie theater."

I miss my parents so much.

"On the 28th July 2011, I tragically lost my parents in a car accident

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"On the 28th July 2011, I tragically lost my parents in a car accident..." I stop talking as I'm overcome with so much emotion that I just begin to bawl my eyes out. In the past decade, I have only spoken about the event a handful of time and it has never been in great detail.

The producer of my documentary makes her way over to me and begins to rub my back. It's so weird because I was never comforted when I lost my parents, people expressed their condolences but that was just about it.

"Looking back at it, I realise how bad it must have looked for me to have done a show after their funeral." I shake my head. "I regret that moment so much and the tour that I went on a day later, makes me feel sick which is why I will never watch any of those shows. Two years prior, I had lost somebody special and I became so cut off from reality because I realised that even your superheros could die. I have never grieved for my parents death and it's almost ten years later."

"Do you think that there is another reason why you did not grieve?" The producer asks and my eyes widen.

"Grieving would entail processing what had happened. When I first started touring, I was already making a lot of money so my parents quit their jobs to be on the road with me. I rarely mention this but they were there throughout my career and it was lovely because we got to tour the world. They got to meet their favorite celebrities and even go to dinners with them which was nice." I smile. "On the day that they passed, I was preparing to go on tour and they explained that they wanted to settle down. I wasn't mad at them but I was disappointed so I bought them this property in Florida."

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