Chapter 7

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Kimora: 42 where?

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Kimora: 42 where?

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"Miss Kimora." I look around for the source of the voice and a smile forms on my lips as I spot Mary J Blige gesturing me over.

I ignore the people gaping at me as security safely escorts me to the VIP lounge.

"Damn." Diddy stands up to greet me first since he is closer, "If it ain't miss Kimora from the block."

"I ain't ever been from no block." I give him a look because he must have me mixed up. "You must have me confused with Jennifer."

He fakes a smile, "You still look beautiful as always."

"I know." I wink at him before we share a brief embrace, "I see that life has been treating you well, you are the definition of a high value man."

"Is that a good thing?" He asks as he puts his cigar in his mouth and lights it right infront of me.

"Depends on who you ask."

Diddy or should I say Puff Daddy used to be in love with me back in the day. He used to send me the most beautiful flowers and jewelry but he was too much of a player for me. Between his multiple baby mothers and the women that he surrounded himself around, it was just never going to work.

I'm not made to be a trophy wife.

One day back in the late nineties, I gave into him and we hooked up in some suite at this popular bar that has since shut. A shooting took place when we were rejoining the group and certain things happened which made me realise that Puffy was part of or associated with gangs. I was not about to die by association so I left and we didn't speak for some years.

 I was not about to die by association so I left and we didn't speak for some years

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"Mini baby." I smile at the nickname as I bend down to hug Lil Kim. 

"Hey Kim." I give her a small squeeze before pulling away from her. "Girl, your body looks snatched."

She laughs a little, "You're the one shaped like a Coca Cola bottle."

Back in 2000, I was in the midst of starting a feud with Lil Kim but we were luckily able to put an end to that before things got crazy. With my name being Kimora, I was used to people calling me Kim but there were many occasions where I would get called Lil Kim because I was always the youngest in the room. The real Lil Kim assumed that I was trying to steal her identity so she started chatting her shit about me and I was ready to battle it out but then we ended up losing a mutual friend to cancer.

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