Chapter 18

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Kimora: Press Day 

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Kimora: Press Day 

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Press week has finally begun for my upcoming album, Forty Two and my documentary which I am really excited to get into. I am not signed to an agency or a management team so I have hired a team to help me get through all of this. Eventually I would like to get signed to a record label so they can deal with all the hard stuff but for now I will be trialing people.

"The documentary on your life is set to be released soon." I smile big. "What can we expect from the life of Kimora Tate Walker?"

"You can expect a lot." I laugh to myself because that is the truth. "Prior to me having a heart attack two years ago, I lived a very busy life which pretty much kept me on the road. I did not believe in taking breaks so I was doing the whole music thing while managing all the businesses that I owned so there was no room for rest."

"Wow." The interviewer looks at me in surprised. "How were you able to cope with your workload?"

"It was all I knew since I became an overnight sensation at twelve so it felt unusual not to work or be busy." I rub my lips together. "I could injure myself during rehearsals, be at the hospital then end the night on stage because that was who I was."

They smile sympathetically, "And now?"

"Now I take time to myself and I listen to my body." I try but fail to smile. "I have done so much over this thirty year career that I can now say that I would be content if that was it. Up until two years ago, I felt as I had not done enough in my career and that I had not shown the world my full potential so I was always striving for more."

"Will we be hearing any of your new music on the documentary?"

I force a smile on my lips, "You will definitely be hearing a lot of music from me and I have clips of me singing unreleased tracks which is really fun. There will be maybe one or two songs from Forty Two featured on the album just because the documentary comes out first and I'm not trying to give everything away."

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