A breeze blew down the darkened street as I jogged toward the park trying to keep warm. I pulled my phone out of my back pocket and quickly dialed Harry's number before putting the phone to my ear. I counted the rings before he picked up, trying to keep myself calm.

"Harry," I asked. All I heard was breathing on the other end of the phone. It didn't sound like Harry, and it bothered me. "Hello?"

"Yeah, I'm here," Harry finally said. "I'm on my way to the park. Where are you?"

"I just left John and Jenny's house," I answered trying to keep my voice steady. "I'll be there pretty soon." I looked up and down the dark street as another gust of wind rustled the leaves on the oak trees overhead. It momentarily drowned out the sound of Harry's breathing, which was the only thing that was keeping me calm. I felt like I was being followed.

Being watched.

"Are you okay?" Harry asked, sounding a bit concerned.

"No," I said, starting to freak out even more. "I'm kind of scared actually." My eyes darted around again, trying to make out something, anything, in the dark.

"What are you afraid of?" Harry's voice sounded like he was getting ready to cry.

"Everything," I said shivering. I picked up the pace a little, trying to keep warm and get to the park faster. I didn't like being out here alone.

"Is it about them?" My stomach twisted up in knots as the memories came flooding back into my mind. I had only been fifteen. I'd just been to the premiere of Spiderman with my parents. My mother had worked on the film as visual effect artist, and my father, a nanotech developer, had simply been a fan of the comics as a kid. We were fairly well off, and when I was 13, my parents had made sure that I would be the sole inheritor of money if anything happened to them, not that I’d be able to touch it until I was 18. I felt shivers go down my spine as I pictured the tall man come up to the car and put a gun to the window, pointing it at my parents. I'd squeezed my eyes shut hoping it would all go away, and instead the sounds of gunfire had filled my ears. I'd felt one of the bullets hit me leaving my flesh open and raw, but I'd somehow managed to slip from the car and flee. My parents had been murdered in the cover of darkness, and the perpetrator was still out there. He was coming for me. I could feel it. "Kate," Harry said, bringing me out of my thoughts, "It's okay to let it out, you know."

"I know," I said, trying to hold back the hot tears that stung my eyes. "I know, but I can't." I shivered, from the cold or the memories, I didn't know.

"I'll be at the park in five, okay?" Harry cleared his throat trying to break the tension of the conversation.

"Okay," I said quietly, still shuddering from the memories. "I'll see you soon." I hung up the phone and replaced it in my pocket. I needed to get to Harry. I needed to be in the safety of his embrace. He was the only one who made me feel safe anymore with everything being so hard to handle. I wiped at my eyes, trying to rid them of the tears that were forming against my will. The wind blew again, harder this time, shaking my nerves all the way to the core.

There was no denying the feeling now. I knew someone was watching me. I could feel their eyes looking me up and down, their gaze boring holes into my skin. I couldn't take it anymore. I burst into a sprint, desperate to get away. My feet pounded down the pavement as I ran, my legs burning like they were on fire. I rounded a corner. Up ahead was the gated entrance to the park, and finally a set of streetlights. I could feel my breaths coming in short gasps as I struggled to keep myself calm while I surged forward. I looked down at my feet, and pushed myself harder, concentrating hard. Suddenly I felt myself crash into something warm.

I immediately squeezed my eyes shut and started hitting who- or what- ever it was as hard as I could. I could feel large hands reach down and grab mine, locking them in place. I kicked and screamed, struggling with all my might to get away. I screamed louder until I thought my lungs would burst, hoping to get lucky and have someone, anyone, hear me. I wanted to yell for Harry, to have him come and save me, but that would be too perfect. My thoughts came to a screeching halt and my mouth struggled to form words as I kept trying to fight off whoever was attacking me.

"Shut up," the man said gruffly. Pain exploded into the side of my face as I felt him hit me with something cold and hard. A gun. The taste of blood filled my senses. I tried to spit it at him, but I missed. It was worth a shot, I thought to myself. I'm a goner anyway. The man picked me up and threw me over his shoulders, still kicking and screaming, with a gun pointed to my head. I screamed louder until my throat was raw. I kicked off one of my shoes, trying to leave something behind for Harry to find. But it was too dark to do any good. Harry wouldn't find it when it was this black outside, and by the time he would, I would already be dead. I could feel myself slowing down. I was exhausted from the running and the lack of sleep. I was giving up on myself.

I was losing.

"This can't be how my life ends," I pleaded with the man, trying to get him to release me. "Please." I whimpered until I could feel hot tears streaming down my face. I was going to die, and I'd never get to see Harry again. I was going to die, and all my fighting had been a waste.

"Harry!" I screamed as loud as I physically could as I was thrown into the back of a large van and the doors shut, locking me in. I kicked and beat on the doors as hard as I had energy for, still trying desperately to free myself. I could feel myself starting to get light headed. My consciousness came and went for a few moments before I finally blacked out for good getting lost in the darkness inside my own mind.

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