"That's correct."

Easily confirming, his laughter vanished, replaced by another muttered curse.

[Fucking ing bastard, why didn't you die?]

Oddly finding amusement in someone expressing a wish for my death, despite the palpable hatred, might be because no matter how fervently someone curses or resents me, it can never match the intensity of the death I yearn for myself.

"Yes, unfortunately, I survived."


"Is that what this is about? You're angry because I survived instead of dying?"

[Fuck, yeah. Considering what you did to me, you should drop dead right away.]

Ah, so he caught on to my attempt to retaliate through the good impression. He probably got the information from the mad dog's subordinates. However, I couldn't comprehend that level of rage; he wouldn't have known the specific methods I employed. If that were the case, he would have called me earlier to unleash his anger, but his name wasn't in the missed calls log. The reason soon became apparent.

[Bastard, did you plant a spy on my side to steal my information? Huh? Did you shake your ass for your sponsor to get me fired from the company? Fuck, is that it?]

"Did you get fired?"

A moment of silence, followed by a low curse.

[Damn, I didn't get fired. You wish, but I'll never collapse.]

"Why? Planning to find a new sponsor?"

He chuckled and asked, seemingly amused.

[Are you scared? That I'm going to snatch your sponsor?]

His confident sarcasm held nothing but venom. As I listened, the advice from the good impression and the demand from the loan shark echoed in my mind simultaneously. Forget about Myungshin or completely push into the abyss. I had to choose the latter, but I hesitated. I gave Myungshin a choice.

"You want to know who my sponsor is? I'll introduce you if you're curious."

[Damn you, I won't be fooled again.......]

"Bring back the money you stole from me with interest. Then I'll show you who it is right in front of your eyes."


"But that's it. I'll let you meet him, but all you have to do is bring back the money with interest. Is that okay?"

It was an absurd proposal. Even if Myungshin was curious about my sponsor, confirming it by giving away a large sum of money was a foolish thing to do. However, Myungshin chose to be foolish. The anger vanished, and his voice, now filled with desire, made the demand.

[Of course. You say you'll let me meet your sponsor if I just give you money? Haha, that's a paltry sum. Fine, I'll take it. But you have to fulfill one promise too.]

"What promise?"

[You said you'd introduce me. If your sponsor, the one you think likes you, gets drawn to me, that's not my problem.]

Acknowledging with a voice full of self-assurance, I responded. Upon hearing this, laughter echoed through the receiver.

[So, you believe in the love of your sponsor? That's why you find what I'm doing amusing?]


[Well, I guess. Since to Lee Yoohan, Song Myungshin is just a pawn who always followed orders. You don't see me as a threat at all, do you?]

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