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-Never make the same mistake twice-

To be honest, if he was training a beast in the room with a whip, I wouldn't be surprised. Therefore, no matter how chaotic the interior was, I could still calmly observe. A Simple office furniture, phase numbers and desks that don't match the classic wallpaper and crimson carpet. It was a large room for one person to use, but the desks, drawers were all piled up with papers and thick folders. I closed the door and stopped when I saw the madman sitting behind a large desk in the front. He wore glasses, with his eyes darting back and forth between the two screens in front of him and the messy papers on the desk. Behind the thin silver-rimmed glasses is his expressionless face while working, it feels like a different person.

" Sit down. "

The brief command and low voice told me it was him. However, I was forced to slightly frown at his command. The only sofa that could be sat on was already occupied by piles of papers and other things. Seeing him still leisurely continue to work, I had to put the stack of papers aside and sit down. This situation was a bit unexpected for me. When I first arrived, I thought I would see a scene of him drinking to his heart's content and disturbing me. I even prepared myself for the worst case scenario of getting a few more punches, but in the end...what kind of hard work atmosphere is this? Looking at the pile of documents, more than half of them in English.

" Who are you ? "

I asked, Chief Park the same question, combined with the current situation, it's clear that he is not an artist. A question that should have been asked in the first place, he answered without even lifting his head.

" A Shareholder. "

Shareholder ? I couldn't immediately understand this but he might mock me if I asked him again. Fortunately, he explained further in a dry tone.

"To be precise, one of the major shareholders"

Well, even without asking, he's probably one of the shareholders of Dream. However, I do not understand the status of a major shareholder because I do not know these things very well. Only by owning a lot of shares is it possible to freely go in and out of the company, have the actors bow their heads and discipline their staff... Come to think of it , when I first met him, I attempted to ask for a cigarette from him but at the time he talked to me as if I was the one who was intentionally trying to hit on him. Is this usually how it is for someone of the major shareholders position?. I felt like something was wrong here, but I couldn't think of anything to do with it, so I had to move on to the next question.

"What's your name?"

After hearing my question, he raised his head for the first time. He took off his glasses, held them in one hand and looked at me silently, then had that unique smile on his face again.

"When asking for someone's name, you should tell your name first. Or do you like the name Lee Baekwon?"

"Lee Yoohan. "

I thought he would be surprised because it resembled Myeongshin's stage name, but he had no interest in his name and put on his glasses again .


Huh?....I frowned at him. But apparently because he had finished naming himself, he continued to look at the document and the screen again.

Jay is an English name right? He didn't say his last name was ' Je ' or ' Yi' right? Suddenly my whole body fell apart. I thought that knowing his name and identity would feel like knowing a lot about him, but now there are even more things that I don't know about him. I turned to look at him and leaned back on the sofa. Then he turned his gaze back to the TV placed on the front wall. The large screen doesn't look like it fits in this office-like layout at all. I looked at the glossy black screen and counted in my heart. After I finished counting to nine, I was deciding in my heart to get up when something fell down beside me. It was a USB that he had thrown to me. I didn't take it, but looked at him, and heard him speak.

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