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One of the habits I developed while working as a deliveryman is that I answer most phone calls and check messages. After the madman had left for a while, lying on the bed, feeling like I was going to die, my cell phone came to mind. Where was it? As I got up, a pain shot from my tailbone to my lower back, and curses escaped me automatically. I gritted my teeth, got up, put on my damn robe, and left the room.

The hotel room was as large as a house, and when I passed through the hallway, I entered a spacious living room. There, I found my cell phone lying on the floor. I wondered why it was here, but then I vaguely remembered. As soon as I entered this place, the lunatic grabbed me and kissed me... Forget it. I quickly erased the thought from my mind and sat down on the couch to check my cell phone as a habit. The power was off. When did it turn off? I turned it on with a sense of puzzlement, and I saw a lot of notifications.

"Why are there so many?"

There were several voice messages, which were not a common occurrence. I tried to recall how to listen to voice messages and pressed the password. Soon, the first message was heard.

[Hello, Lee Baekwon.]

I wanted to turn it off as soon as I heard the name. However, because I owed the manager from a long time ago, I listened to him with a scowl on my face.

[I am Alice's Labyrinth's manager. How are you doing?]

I thought it was a rather pointless greeting, but in the background of the recording, another voice expressed the same opinion.

[Ah, don't talk nonsense and ask about Jay quickly.]

It was Mr. Alice, the boss. His voice was even louder than the owner recording the call.

[Boss, I am officially the manager of Alice's Labyrinth, and I can't do something as rude as skipping greetings and jumping right to the point.']

[Okay, right... huh? You.. Didn't you call me yesterday, and as soon as I answered, you didn't even say hello and told me to run over quickly because President Hwang was here?']

[I told you to please run over quickly.]

[Oh, right... What? Hey.]

And then the recording was cut. A real 'Hey' was heard. I was dumbfounded as I listened to the next recording.

[Hello, Lee Baekwon. I am the manager of Alice's Labyrinth.]

The moment I heard it, I thought I was hearing the same recording again, but the background noise was different.

[Oh, quickly, quickly ask about Jay, please. Our Jay has turned off his phone and isn't answering, so how are we going to say hello to Lee Baekwon?]

So, because the madman's phone was turned off, he left me a voicemail like this? But in his words, there was some truth. I wasn't doing well right now either. Damn it, my whole body hurt. While I was silently enduring the pain, Mr. Alice spoke without hesitation.

[In the middle of working hours, he ran away from the company and didn't even answer the phone. Our Jay is not such a irresponsible person! Even if he went to the bathroom due to constipation, he wouldn't be out of touch for so long... Gasp, did he pass out while doing his business!]

In response to Mr. Alice's astonishment, the master quickly rebutted.

[That's not the case, sir. He wouldn't switch off his phone even if he went to the restroom to do his business, when he would most likely need it.]

[Oh, manager. Your deductive skills have improved—]

[I've only learned from observing the boss's keen analysis, that's all."]

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