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I pressed the doorbell and gazed at the white door's number. There was a breathless quiet in the corridor where I stood, as if I had to apologize to the hotel if I made even the tiniest noise. Simply a place to sleep. Maybe that's why I don't care about the hotel's cleanliness.


The madman, who opened the door with the phone in his hand motioned for me to come in with his eyes. I wondered who he was calling this early in the morning, but the content of the conversation was in English, so I immediately ignored it. Instead, I looked around the large hotel room, then finally approached the blue-lit window. The only light inside was a small lamp at the door, so it was gloomy inside, with only a table and a sofa like in a living room. The light streaming through the slightly open door suggested that the madman had entered.

I drew the thick curtains aside, through the large glass, i could see the quiet street with almost no traffic. Most of the buildings were dark, making me feel like I was the only one left in this city. Staring blankly at the sky, I rested my forehead on the glass and closed my eyes. It was the first time I felt the cold, and the glass, and my body temperature made me forget where I was leaning.

I guess I was really tired. It could be from working all night, but it could also be due to the unconscious stress of shooting the unexpected scene. So I didn't notice... It wasn't until someone's arms were wrapped around my waist that I realised he was hugging me from behind.

Being startled by the sudden realisation I tried to turn around but a strong force gripped my waist and pushed me back against the window.


When I was about to utter my displeasure his lips touched my ear, whispering.

"Be quiet. I'll make you happy."

Make me happy?!

I was unable to fully grasp the meaning. What I could tell was that he was expressing 'joy' in his voice. And an unsettling aura spread within me. The cold energy must have been transferred by the glass that hit my pressed chest. However, the reason the cold did not vanish instantly was due to the presence behind my back. I couldn't fully comprehend my situation because my upper body was constricted to the point that even breathing was difficult.

I didn't realize my lower body wasn't pressed up against the glass since his arms were wrapped around my waist, unlike my upper body. Because it was tough to do the right thing with my face jammed up against the window. I twisted my body and stretched my arms, barely pushing the glass aside, but I was no match for the pushing force of a guy bigger than me. But even if there was no chance, I would have fought my way out. I was unable to do so because I was out of breath. He lowered his head in the direction of my turned face. A murmur could be heard immediately over my temples, close to the movement of his lips.

"Do you know... That everything is vital in a person's heart?"

Then he let go of the pressure he was exerting. Naturally, I took advantage of the situation and shoved the glass with my hand. But that was the end of it. The hand, which had become rigid due to its strength, remained stiff.


Fingers wrapped around my neck, just stopped under my chin. Then his thumb and middle finger pressed against my neck in two places, and I came to a halt like a switched-off doll. His hand, appeared to be pointing out where the vital points were, allowing the cold to sweep through me once more. Because it seemed so natural. He completed the motion of seizing his opponent's neck with one hand and compressing their windpipe without hesitation, as if it were second nature to him.

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