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-Next is you.-

The next day after class ended, when I met again with the blonde and the person with the gentle impression, I realised they didn't know about what happened yesterday.

" Aren't you angry? "

Looking back at the person with the gentle impression, the blondie had a faint smile in his eyes.

" Come on, I didn't tell you first because I was playing around. But you must have been able to predict it, right? "

I looked at the two of them in turn and nodded to show that it was okay.

"If nothing happened yesterday, that means you did a good job, right?"

The blonde wondered and asked immediately. The person next to him was also curious about the same thing. Probably because he hasn't heard anything from Myeongshin yet. I think it would be surprising to them if they found out how I got out of there, so it's best to hear from Myeongshin himself.

" Yes, everything is fine, no problem at all. It's not a big deal. "

The person with a gentle impression who had a disgust for men slightly frowned. On the other side, the blonde felt smiled curiously.

" Lucky for you. That you didn't feel repelled. "

" Yes, I'm also thrilled. Maybe I can become as big as Song Yoohan. "

This name has already come out of my mouth for the second time, but one the of them had the same stiff expression as yesterday. Of course, it's you. I turned my head away from an uninteresting confirmation. Up until now I had been ignoring the fierce glaring toward me, but now the ugly guy approached me. By the time I turned around, he was already standing nearby and raised his voice as if he had been waiting.

"Don't miss the PE class next week. Is that clear? "

He used his whole body to give hints so clearly that even an idiot would know something was going to happen that day. I nodded at his best efforts.

" Let's see. "

He was so excited that his face turned red and he shouted.

" Dumb ass! Come at me, you bitch! I've prepared something for you to look forward too ! "

I turned around, but was still looking forward to what he said. Yes, I hope you have everything ready to encourage me.


Time flies so fast, maybe because I'm studying acting for the first time in many years. Maybe it was the peace that played a part. The next day, after I met him at the bar called Alice's Labyrinth, I went there again and received good news from the club manager. He said he went on a business trip, so I don't need to see him in the near future.

The manager gave me the news while looking at me as if to comfort me, but for me it was really good news. Blinded by the good news, I even forgot to ask why he helped me that day. After a long time peacefully like that, when the bruises caused by that ugly guy had faded, the day of the gym class he looked forward to came. Because of the sudden location change, the manager put me in the car and drove me from the office. But he looked back at me with a suspicious look as he gave me what I asked for before leaving.

" The camcorder you wanted to borrow? But what are those things ? "

It must be a little unusual to have to fiddle around with something in a bag like this. I answered nothing, then checked with my eyes to see if anything was missing. Even so, I confirmed it one more time before closing my bag. Bandages, cold spray, boxing shoes...

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