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I didn't think I had spent much time in the lounge, but it had been 20 minutes already. Nevertheless, I cautiously opened the door and entered, thinking he was probably still asleep. However, I came to a halt just before I could step inside. There was a faint breeze. When I had left, there were no open windows. That meant...

I continued from where I had paused. In the spacious living room at the end of the short hallway, the madman was standing by the window. It appeared as if he was standing with his back against thin air because the surface he leaned on was entirely made of glass. The unobstructed view gave me a sense of déjà vu, reminding me of the time I had seen him on the rooftop of Dream.

I hadn't expected to find the madman waiting for me in the hotel room, wearing only a gown. Those intense, angry eyes were the same as always, damn it. I tried to ignore his scrutinizing gaze and walked over to the sofa to sit down. I decided to get straight to the point.

"I didn't run away."

"I know."

So why was he creating such a tense atmosphere? He moved slowly towards me, but it felt as if I was watching a horror movie with a killer approaching, holding my breath. I was about to explain that I just went to get a t-shirt, but then I noticed the white cigarette in his fingers.

"Isn't this a non-smoking area?"

"I know. That's why I'm just holding it."

A smirk played on the lips of the man as he spoke. It felt a bit strange, so I cocked my head to the side.


"I was wondering when you became such a stickler for rules?"

"I've always been good at following rules."

"So, you've been strict about no smoking zones, even while you had a knife to a debtor's throat?"

Well, not thoroughly. Come to think of it, I think I just smoked. But I was furious when he openly laughed at me.

"I'm following it now, so there's no problem."

"No, that's the problem."

"What do you mean?"

"The reason you adhere to all these rules is not because you're a moral person. It's because something, be it a punishment, a law, or something else, is holding you back, and that's why you're following them."

Sometimes, I thought his mockery was too harsh, but he was right. I hadn't really become a more moral person; I had simply suppressed my impulses.

"So, you want me to smoke here now?"

"I'd rather you did. Because you seem to enjoy being rebellious."

He responded without a hint of laughter, coldly. Then, he played with the white cigarette between his fingers like he was twirling a pen. His actions looked familiar. It was as if he was trying to endure the desire to smoke by holding and fiddling with it. Didn't he used to have a candy in his mouth before? He followed the rules well, so why was he picking a fight with me? Was it because I had sneaked out in the early hours of the morning? Damn, he's deliberately trying to provoke me. I suppressed my annoyance and glared at him.

"If you like being rebellious so much, go ahead and smoke it yourself. I'll gather a crowd and we can all watch you."

"Is there anyone in this hotel you can call?"

I hesitated to answer because of my earlier encounter with Cha Jungwoo. He looked at me and asked coolly.

"Why? Is it because you need to meet Cha Junwoo secretly?"

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