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-Mr. Lee Baekwon-

Being allowed to take nude photos, Mr Lee happily wore only his pants and ran away to prepare for a representative photo. As for the young man, he called the staff to assist with the make-up and shaping, began to busy moving and inventorying the equipment, the surrounding gradually became more noisy. I don't know if the Mr Lee is the type of person who usually has to work on a whim, these people who were suddenly called in did the job quickly without any complaints. Meanwhile, I was dragged to a small room, taken to try on different clothes, make up and do simple hair. In less than an hour, everything was ready for Taemin to take photos. After the make up crew left the room, Manager Choi closed the door of the make up room. With the sound of the door closing, the manager with a serious face approached me.

"Taemin , let's talk for a bit."

"Okay, go ahead" I answered, he sat down across from me and the questions came pouring out.

"Just what is the world are you thinking? Do you even know what nudes are?! Its where you have to take everything off, like literally EVERYTHING!!, what will you do if those pictures become your fall down later in your life?!......"


"Well, Mr Lee's work of course will be very well received, but it will definitely still have a big impact on your image. "

" Yes. "

" ... Are you really not afraid ? Haiz, Taemin....There's no need to take pictures for him, no matter what...."


"Didn't you say the person you called with earlier would help you out?, couldn't you just have your profile pictures taken without any bargains?"


"You should talk to that person so Mr.Lee can take your photos without-"

"They didn't say that"

"Right they didn't say that.....huh?"


"It wasn't?!!!" The small room was immediately drowned out by the manager's loud shout .

"What do you mean ? !! You said that person agreed to help you??!!, isn't that why you told me to bring you here?!!"

"Yes, but I didn't say he would help me with this. "

"But, when I asked you earlier on the way here, didn't you say that Mr.Lee will definitely take your pictures for you?!!! And that you believed in him...!!"


"Yes that wasn't a lie. I believed in you Manager Choi....." I watched his face turn red from confusion.

"What? Believed in me?."

"I remembered you said that Mr.Lee would only takes pictures of people he wants to photograph. So I thought when he sees me, he will want to take pictures for me too."

He looked at me with a puzzled expression, and I slowly explained it to him.

"You are the one who selected told me that I had a charm in me that can attract the eyes of others and that I had the potential to go up to the top.... So I thought Mr.Lee would see the same thing in me . "

" Just for that. Just because you believe in my words and eyes of looking at people ? "

" Yes...."

"So what if Mr.Lee said he didn't want to take your pictures?" Somehow I felt his voice shake slightly .

"No way. He is the number one rated photographer by manager Choi. His eyes can't be wrong"

I didn't need to say anything more, but he seemed to have understood where I was coming from. There was a moment of silence after our conversation. Meanwhile, the exaggerated expression along with the manager 's loud voice has completely dissipated.

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