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"What a cute little punk. Continue your efforts to run away. The more you are struggling, the more excited my cock feels."

Hansoo was trembling across from him. He looked around swiftly, as if looking for a way to escape, with a countenance that appeared like he was about to cry. The road manager stood behind him, puzzled as to what was going on. I gritted my teeth and walked up to them.

"Fuck, then I'll need to cut off that excited cock."

All eyes turned in unison as I approached them, a piercing gaze fixed upon me. I halted at a distance from Hansoo and gestured toward the mad dog.

"You've got business with me, don't you? Bring it on. I'll screw you up right now."

The mad dog, recognizing me, bared his teeth and snarled.

"What, did you come to rescue this kid? Ah—because this kid saved you before?"

"Quit barking and come at me."

I sneered at the four people standing behind him.

"You all seem pretty weak, so why don't you come at me all at once?"

The four of them turned towards my provocation and advanced a step. I regarded them with dispassionate eyes, then glanced back at Hansoo. Hansoo, who had frozen with a pale face, attempted to speak when our eyes met. However, I cut him off.



"I said, go."

Upon my command, the mad dog and the other four smirked as if they found something amusing. Perhaps they thought it was comical that I was willing to face all of them.

"Ah, damn it. You guys see this troublesome bastard? Do you want to take him on 1 vs. 5?"

The response to his question came from a completely unexpected source.


A booming voice cut through the air. Once more, everyone's gaze shifted in unison. The crowd fell into a hushed silence. Each person wore the same shocked expression, just like me. The person who had provided the spirited response was none other than the road manager. Tap. Taking a step forward with a grin, quite unlike his usual blank expression, he addressed the mad dog.

"Do you want to be beaten by this uncle?"

Time seemed to freeze, and even the sound appeared to vanish. What on earth was he saying? Once again, the road manager's words were met with silence. It wasn't merely his confident step forward; it was as if he were inviting a beating. Maybe I had misunderstood him. Perhaps it was a hallucination. It made no sense for an average man in his 40s to challenge five tough-looking guys. But the road manager continued to baffle us with his words.

"Even if I hit you, you can't sue me, got it?"

He reiterated it earnestly as if genuinely concerned.

"If you act cheap and try to sue me, I'll tear your balls off."

This time, the mad dog reacted immediately.


He emitted a brief laugh and curled his lips.

"Hey, old man, you might have already developed dementia at your age, but I'll let it slide, so just back off quietly."

Tap. The mad dog took a step closer and stared down menacingly.

"Before you get crushed under these shoes and your old body turns into minced meat."

"The talkative ones always end up complaining and trying to sue me afterward..."

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