I wasn't entirely sure what a suite lounge was, but it appeared to be a separate area for individuals staying in upscale rooms. For some reason, I had been checked into one. Well, I supposed that was standard if they were charging over a million won per night.

"By the way, how did you end up here?"

I hesitated at his question, then replied as if it were no big deal.

"Why can't I be here if you're here?"

The corner of his mouth twitched again in a smirk.

"In my case, the chairman summoned me suddenly. But hold on, do you really have a sponsor?"

He widened his eyes in astonishment and fixed his gaze on me. Damn it. I muttered under my breath and turned away.

"Mind your own business and go meet with your chairman."

"I arrived ahead of him, so I have some spare time. Just wait for a moment. I want to ask you about Director Yoon."

When I paused at the mention of that name, he gestured to a sofa at the far end of the lounge.

"Don't leave. Wait here while I retrieve my keys. Got it?"

Despite having no real reason to indulge him, I couldn't escape due to my curiosity about what he wanted to say regarding Director Yoon. So, I settled onto the sofa and closed my eyes for a moment. I was so incredibly sleepy. Besides the exhaustion, it was already dawn. The madman probably hadn't woken up yet, right? If he only just kept sleeping. I didn't want to him misunderstand that I had run away. How long had I been like that?

"Hey, you..."

I opened my eyes and looked up when I heard Cha Jungwoo's voice coming from close by. He was gazing at me.


"Your partner is a man, right? Women can't leave marks like that."

Marks? Ah, shit, that madman. I instinctively tugged my disheveled robe closer to my neck. Meanwhile, Cha Jungwoo settled down beside me, his eyes filled with curiosity.

"I'm genuinely curious about who your partner is."

"Just tell me what you wanted to inquire about Director Yoon."

I didn't want to engage in needless banter, so I got straight to the point. But when he heard the name Director Yoon, his expression immediately turned grave.

"Oh, Director Yoon. Damn, how's that bastard doing now?"

"Now? Well, he's probably sleeping."

My voice came out stiffer than I intended. Thankfully, Cha Joongwoo took it lightly and burst into laughter.

"Haha, of course, he'd be asleep at this hour. You're cute, you know?"


I responded with annoyance, but he continued to smile and spoke to me as if explaining to a child.

"I wasn't asking that. I just wanted to know how his work is going."

Then why say 'now' when 'these days' would have been appropriate? I taken aback.

"I heard he's been facing difficulties due to Dream Planning. But he's still the same as always, right?"

"I don't see him at work, so I wouldn't know."

"Of course, a trainee like you probably never crosses paths with him. I just wanted to see if you'd heard any rumors circulating within Dream."

I just turned my gaze without saying anything. Ah, did I stay for no reason?

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