Chapter 2- I'm Not a Hawks Fan!

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"I love to find new people. It's not for the sake of their being new; it's because if you find someone who perfectly fits the part, that's such a great thing." -Robert De Niro

Natalie's P.O.V

It was 6 when Patty texted me to come over. Apparently the Hawks were playing the Kings tonight. To be completely honest, I wasn't much of a Hawks fan. I'd grown up in St. Louis which would've made me a Blues fan by default, but that wasn't really the only reason. My grandma's brother was actually Bob Plager, who played and coached for the Blues for a while. He pretty much forced me to love them.

"What are you wearing?" Kaner asked, glancing down at my Allen jersey. "I'm not going to the game with you in that."

"Then give me something. I'm not even a Hawks fan!" He gasped, pulling me through his house. We entered a bedroom, which was definitely Jonny's. On the wall hung his Canada jersey with a few of his teammates signatures. There were a few trophies on his dresser from his college and his cup rings in a case.

"You can take one of his jerseys." Patrick said, snapping me out of my thoughts. He opened the closet revealing a huge amount of jerseys. I scanned through them and decided on the classic back jersey. It was absolutely massive on me, but I was used to it at this point. I'd been wearing my older brother's jerseys for a pretty long time. The sweater hit mid thigh while leggings covered the rest of legs. I wore plain black converse and even snatched Jonny's Winter Classic hat. Hopefullly he wouldn't mind.

"Let's go."I shouted, receiving a weird look from the brunette on Patrick's arm. "You must be Amanda, I'm Natalie." She gave me a quick smile before we all piled into Pat's car. They lived pretty close to the UC so we were there before the boys even took the ice. Patrick wanted to talk to a couple guys so he brought Amanda and I down.

As soon as we entered all I could smell was BO. The whole team was there, but I only recognized a few. Keith stood in the back talking to Hossa while Jonny spoke to Crawford. I noticed Sharpy, but was unaware who he was talking to. Like I said, I wasn't a Hawks fan and only knew the stars. I stood awkwardly in the corner while Pat and Amanda chatted with some players.

"Hey, I'll save ya." A guy with a straggly beard said, sitting down in a stall next to me. "I'm Andrew Shaw."

"Natalie Plager." I shook his hand. Andrew raised an eyebrow at me.

"Ha, like Bob Plager. Oh wait you probably don't know who that is."

"Nope, I know him pretty well. He's my Dad's uncle actually." Andrew's jaw dropped at my answer.

"No way! Plager's my hero. Can I meet him?" I nodded, laughing at his excitment. "Wait that means you're not a big fan of us, huh?"

"Not really, but I've got mad respect." He smiled at my answer, pulling a young guy over.

"Saader, Plags is her great uncle." He said to who I assumed was Brandon Saad. I knew the rooster alright, but couldn't pick out many of their faces.

"Who are you here with?" Brandon asked, completely ignoring Shawsy's statement.

"I'm Jonny and Pat's neighbor." They both raised their eyebrows. "Barb's granddaughter"

They both nodded, knowing who I was talking about. Apparently Barb was a hit among the boys. Shawsy called Jonny over and made his way over to Corey.

"Hey Nat." Jonny said, scanning my body. A smirk covered his face before he looked back at my face.


"You look adorable in all my stuff." A blush filled my cheeks.

"Patty said I could borrow it. Don't have much Hawks merch."

"So I've heard. The Blues, really?" I threw my hands up in mock defense causing him to laugh. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and turned me around to face the room.

"Everyone, this is Nat. She's Pat and I's neighbor." The room let out a chorus of hellos before they all turned back to their friends. I definitely had to learn their names.

"What was that for?" I asked, shoving Jonny to the side. He laughed, pulling me in for a hug. I pushed him away which causing Saader to laugh. We both shot him a glare and turned back to each other.

"Well I'm assuming you and Barb are coming back and she knows everyone. So they have to know you." Everyone begun filing out of the locker room leaving just Jonny and I.

"I should probably go. Don't want Q mad at me." We walked out the door, I was following him since Patty left me here. There were two ways to go so I decided to head away from Tazer. If I followed him I was bound to end up on the ice. The hallway wasn't lit very bright so it was hard to see the signs on the walls. I took a few turns and on the last one, smacked into a huge object. It just so happened to be Drew Doughty.

"Oh shit, sorry. Don't really know where I'm doing." He glanced at my jersey and raised an eyebrow.

"You Jonny's new girl?"

"Uh no. He's just a friend."

"Good." He smirked, resting a hand on my hip. His face inched closer to me, but I shoved him away. He went in for a second time when the locker door opened. Out walked Dustin Brown.

"Let's go Drew." He looked at me. "Stairs are over there." I thanked him quickly and scurried off the the stands. I spotted Pat's curly hair and made way towards him.

"Guess who tried to fucking kiss me." Pat raised an eyebrow. "Drew Doughty."

Pat rolled his eyes and cursed under his breath. Something along the lines of "fucking asshole". I looked onto the ice and saw Saader waving in our direction. Shawsy saw and joined in. Patty hadn't seemed to notice so I waved back. They smiled and poked each other's sides. These boys were ridiculous, but I already loved them.

Maybe I would become a Hawks fan pretty soon.

Q: Favorite non-hawks players?

A: TJ Oshie, Jamie Benn and Johnny Gaudreau

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