Chapter 60

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"Mother?!" Ladybug turned her head in shock.

"Did you say mother?" Hawkmoth said.

Mayura's eyes widened seeing Chat noir take his attention away from her and focus more on Hawkmoth and the woman who laid behind the glass. Though she still couldn't do anything, she was still bound by Ladybug's yo-yo.

Chat turned toward Ladybug and saw her shocked expression. He didn't want her to know. Too late for that.

Chat turned back to Hawkmoth and grit his teeth.

"You killed Marinette... you hid mother from me all these years... you akumatized people for self gain... you were a terrible father to me." Chat glared.

"Son... I only wanted to bring her back. To bring her back to us. To you-"

"Stop! You're a selfish evil man! You're still trying to manipulate me!" Chat yelled, running toward Hawkmoth.

"Chat!" Ladybug called over.

Chat noir gripped his hand, still wielding his cataclysm. Hawkmoth dodged his attack, though Chat noir twirled around, not letting him go this time.

"I'm not sure why you're so upset. I never killed Marinette! You're being delusional, son. You need to calm down and see that we need to bring your mother back." Hawkmoth tried to explain, dodging Chat noir's continuous attacks.

"I'll never give you the miraculous! Even if you bring her back..." Chat noir stopped the attack and glared at Hawkmoth.

"Even if you did bring mom back. I'm sure... she would hate you."

"Watch what you say!"

"Am I wrong!? Would she agree with what you have done for all these years? Would she agree with how you've treated me? Would she agree with how she was brought back?" Chat grit his teeth.

"She will get over it. She will be happy to see her son again." Hawkmoth glared.

"No... you're the delusional one. You are only doing this so you can be happy. There would be a price to pay to bring her back, are you really willing to pay that?" Chat asked.

"I would pay any price." Hawkmoth said, glancing over at Emelie.

Chat walked over to his mother and looked down at her. Her body was still lying within its case, as if she was in some sort of coma state.

"Is she dead? Is she in a coma? Why is she like this?" Chat asked.

"She... she's in a coma. We found the miraculous together. She somehow figured out how to fuse the peacock and the butterfly miraculous together. She wasn't strong enough to withhold the power. It backfired... She fell into her coma and it broke the peacock miraculous in the process." Hawkmoth explained.

"We were perfect together... We had everything. Why even use them?" Chat asked.

"No matter how much you have. People always want more." Hawkmoth said.

"He's right, Chat... people always want more. They always want things they can't have. He won't stop until he has our miraculous. You need to take it now." Ladybug called over.

Chat turned to her and nodded.

Chat turned his attention back to his mother, looking at her through the glass.

"I'm sorry mom." He sighed.

Chat turned around and was caught off guard by Hawkmoth rushing toward him. He dodged Hawkmoth's attack with his cane and tried to use his cataclysm on it to leave him defenseless but Hawkmoth jumped back. Chat used his free hand to try and punch Hawkmoth as he ran toward him but Hawkmoth smirked and dodged it ever so gracefully, and knocked his feet out from beneath him.

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