Chapter 2: Reunion

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"Did you hear what happened?!" Alya rushed over to Nino.

"No? What's it about? You know I worked and went to bed straight after." Nino sighed sitting down in his chair with a sigh.

Alya looked over at Adrien and saw him laying his head on his desk. Alya looked over at Nino and gave him a worried look. Nino shrugged and shook his head, telling her that he had no idea what was wrong with him.

"Uh... Adrien? Did you hear what happened?" Alya asked, putting her hand on his shoulder.

Adrien opened his eyes and looked up to see Alya and Nino staring at him. He rubbed his eyes and faked a smile.

"O-oh... uh...maybe? What happened? What does it have to do with?" He asked.

"What's wrong with you? You have bags under your eyes." Nino asked.

Alya pulled up a chair and frowned at Adrien, wondering if he was alright.

"I just stayed up too late. So... what happened?" He asked.

"Marinette... her house burned down last night." Alya frowned.

"Yeah I did hear about that, I may have stayed up a little too late watching that on the news." He smiled embarrassed.

Alya smiled, knowing he was worried about her.

"What? Is she alright?" Nino asked.

"Thankfully, Chat noir was there and saved her and her parents," Alya said, smiling.

"Ladybug?" Adrien asked.

"No show," Alya answered him, turning to look at him, but was surprised to see an angered expression.

"How could Paris's main superhero not show up to help them?" Adrien scoffed.

"Chat noir was there, so everything was fine," Nino said.

"What if he didn't?!" Adrien stood up, causing everyone to turn and look at him.

Adrien was about to leave the classroom but his eyes widened when he saw a girl standing in the doorway, bandages on her arms, with a shy smile on her face.

"Hey, guys." Marinette smiled, seeing Alya, Nino, and Adrien staring at her with shocked expressions.

They all three rushed over to Marinette and crowded around her. Alya pulled her into a hug while Nino wrapped his arms around Alya and Marinette as Alya hugged Marinette. Adrien stood there a little off, smiling, glad that she was alright. He was happy that she was back in school. Though he knew her college professors would have allowed her to stay at the hospital, they would understand, but that wasn't Marinette. She always tried to come to school no matter what.

"I saw your house on the news! Chat noir carried you out!" Alya said, still hugging Marinette.

"I know, I woke up and he was still there." She smiled.

"You must be a lucky civilian to have such a hero to be looking out for you." Nino laughed.

Alya let go of Marinette and turned her head to Adrien, smiling. Adrien smiled back and he walked over and hugged Marinette, catching Marinette off guard. Marinette hugged him back but let him go a few seconds later, not blushing or stuttering like she used to when she was in high school. She had let that younger self go, she had moved on from that and learned to just be his friend. In that friendship, she learned to love Chat noir and she and Adrien became best friends.

"I'm glad you're alright Marinette," Adrien said, letting her go while smiling.

"Thanks. I am too." She smiled back.

"What are you going to do now? Where are you going to live?" Nino asked, frowning.

Alya glared elbowing him in the ribs. He looked at Alya with an injured expression and he went quiet when he saw her angered face.

"Uh... well... we aren't really sure," Marinette confessed.

Everyone stood silent for a few seconds.

"I would offer our couch..." Alya began.

"Thanks, Alya but... My parents and I can't all fit on a couch." Marinette smiled.

"What about my house?" Adrien spoke up.

Everyone turned to Adrien whose face started to turn red.

"Me and my parents can stay at your house? What about your father? Wouldn't we be a burden?" Marinette asked.

"N-not at all! I asked my father this morning about it." He blushed. "Our home is pretty big. We have a spare bedroom you could use. My father said he wouldn't mind." Adrien smiled.

Marinette smiled and hugged Adrien again and he blushed. It wasn't like he could hit on her as Adrien, he knew she was dating Chat noir after all. He was Chat noir. How would... he see her as Chat noir now? He didn't want her to be homeless though. This would work out. It would have to. Right?

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