Chapter 54

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Chat noir and Luka's eyes widened with shock as they were left standing looking at their enemy. Hawkmoth was in his home. Marinette was missing. Did he do something to Marinette? He swore to Hawkmoth and Mayura that they would regret it if they did anything to her.

"Where's Marinette?" Chat noir glared, his hands gripped into fists.

"She's safe. For now. It's astounding that she recognizes me. Is it safe to assume that you've met up with her and helped her remember everything?" Hawkmoth asked.

"What? She can't remember everything. She was the guardian. Guardians lose their memories." Chat noir said, trying to act as innocent and unaware as possible.

Chat noir glanced over at Luka and noticed Luka giving him an unpleasant look, it was almost a worried look. Luka was worried about them? No... he was worried about Marinette. It was to be expected. They had no idea where she was. All they knew was... Hawkmoth had her... somewhere.

"Well it's weird that she would give up dating you so easily and then just out of the blue date Adrien. No remorse or sadness." Hawkmoth smirked.

"What are you getting at?" Chat noir narrowed his gaze.

"It's time to give up this act. Come to our side. Forget being the guardian. Don't you want to know why we want the miraculous to begin with?" Hawkmoth asked.

Chat noir thought for a moment and looked at Hawkmoth.

"What are your plans with the miraculous?" Chat noir asked.

"Chat noir! No!" Luka said.

"We're going to bring her back!" Hawkmoth said, stepping closer with a smile.

"Bring who back?" Chat noir questioned.

"My wife...Your mother. Emelie." Hawkmoth said.

Chat noir's eyes slowly widened at the sudden realization.

"W...what... what did you just say?" Chat said, taking a step backward.

"I'm doing this for you. We can bring her back to us, Adrien." Hawkmoth smiled.

"F-father?" Chat noir said.

Chat noir felt like he couldn't breathe. His hands and feet felt cold. Cold or numb... he felt like he couldn't move. This entire time... his father was Hawkmoth. All these years... Wait... he still had leverage over Marinette's parents. He owned their home in the United States. If he refused to help him, what would happen to Sabine and Tom? Would his father actually hurt Marinette to get what he wants?

" me take the ladybug miraculous and we can bring your mother back." Hawkmoth said, giving his best gentle smile.

Luka turned to Chat noir who was still internally thinking and saw how in shock he was.

"Chat noir... No.. don't do this. We came here to save Marinette. We need to do that by defeating Hawkmoth. Marinette is counting on us." Luka said.

Chat noir closed his eyes and gripped his fists and suddenly Luka saw Chat noir jump toward Hawkmoth. Mayura jumped in front of Hawkmoth, taking the hit instead. Mayura was struck and it caused her to fly backwards into Hawkmoth. Chat noir grit his teeth seeing Hawkmoth hold Mayura in his arms and smile at them, as if they still could win.

"Why are you smiling? Mayura is hurt. There's no way you're going to win now father!" Chat smiled.

"Are you really so sure? You'll come to me begging for my help. You'll help me whether you like it or not Adrien. We tried to be the good guys. You'll regret your decision." Hawkmoth glared.

Chat noir and Luka got into their fighting stances, ready for whatever Hawkmoth and Mayura were planning to do. Hawkmoth pulled out his phone with his free hand and smirked.

"This is your final chance boys."

"We aren't joining you." Luka spoke up, pulling out his yo-yo.

"We will never join you. Tell us where you put Marinette!" Chat said angrily.

Hawkmoth sighed, seeing that neither of them would listen. Hawkmoth clicked his phone and Chat noir and Luka exchanged looks. Hawkmoth put his phone back into his pocket and put Mayura over his shoulder, seeing that the hit from Chat noir had hurt her pretty badly.

While Chat noir and Luka were exchanging confused looks, Hawkmoth kicked Chat noir's legs out from beneath him and then took out his staff and hit Luka across the face, knocking him to the ground. Hawkmoth took off running toward the exit but Luka quickly took out his yo-yo and twirled it. He slung it and shot it toward Hawkmoth. The yo-yo flew toward Hawkmoth but Hawkmoth avoided the attack.

Chat noir hit the ground with his fist as they both heard Hawkmoth and Mayura leave the building. Luka clenched his fists. He missed. He could have stopped Hawkmoth then and there and he missed.

"We... we'll get him. Don't worry." Chat noir said, standing up and lending Luka a hand.

Luka looked up at Chat noir with a surprised face and smiled. Luka took Chat noir's hand and hoisted himself up.

"Let's go find Marinette." Luka smiled.

Chat noir nodded.

"You go check the kitchen and Sabine and Tom's old bedroom. I'll go... check... Gabriel's bedroom?" Luka said, hoping Adrien wouldn't notice where he was actually going.

"Uh.. alright, yell if you find her," Chat noir nodded.

Luka nodded and they were about to part ways but all of a sudden they both stood frozen. They turned back to one another, eyes wide with fear.

"Do you smell that?" Chat asked.

"Yeah... that's-"

"That's smoke!" 

Thanks for reading! If you would like to support me, visit my YouTube channel!~ <3 -Stacey

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