Chapter 32: Crumbling

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"Oh! Kagami, Luka, you're back!" Rose smiled, seeing them walk back into the living room.

They both walked in and sat back down with them. Kagami looked over at Luka as Luka sat down beside her and nodded to him.

"So Adrien, last time I was going to invite you to play some instruments. Would you still be up for that?" Luka asked, smiling.

"Uh, yeah that would be awesome! Thanks Luka." Adrien smiled, standing up.

"Where are the instruments? Is there room for everyone to come?" Adrien asked.

"Well, I figured we could let all the girls have some girl time while we play. If that's ok with everyone. Once you girls are done giggling, we will be downstairs. Rose, Juleka? You'll know where we will be." Luka smiled.

"Of course! That sounds amazing, Luka. We will be down in a little!" Rose smiled.

"Thanks Luka." Juleka smiled.

Adrien looked down at Marinette and shrugged. He glanced over at Kagami and gave a worried look and leaned down to Marinette's ear.

"Be careful. They are up to something." Adrien said.

"Adrien. You're just being paranoid." Marinette giggled and kissed his cheek, causing him to blush slightly from the random affection.

Adrien stood back up and then followed Luka where they were going to be playing music. Kagami looked at Marinette, Rose, and Juleka with an eager face.

"Now that the boys are gone..." Kagami started.

"Ohhhh. How long have you been dating Luka?" Rose interrupted.

"Yeah Kagami." Juleka smiled.

"Uh... well... hmm... I would say... a few days... maybe?" Kagami said, trying to think when she went to the park with Adrien.

"So... you weren't trying to get back together with Adrien?" Marinette spoke up.

Rose, Juleka and Kagami turned to Marinette.

"Adrien asked to speak to me about our past. I thought he was wanting to get back together. I had a sliver of hope. Luka and I were talking but nothing serious at that point. I may have gotten the wrong idea. I left Adrien upset that night... an Akuma showed up." Kagami explained.

Marinette let out a breath of relief, thinking she didn't have to worry about Kagami anymore now that she was dating Luka.

"Did Luka comfort you after the talk with Adrien?" Marinette asked, seeing Kagami nod.

"Yeah... I guess you could say that." Kagami said plainly.

"Awww, Luka is the sweetest. That must have been when everything happened!" Rose smiled.

"So... I heard you two are dating," Kagami said, looking at Rose and Juleka.

"Yes! We are. We moved in with Luka to see what it's like living together... as well as living on our own... kinda." Rose giggled.

"We wanted to live together away from our parents. It's still technically not on our own, but we all pay rent while we're finishing college." Juleka explained.

"Interesting. What about you, Marinette? I heard you were dating... a mystery man." Kagami smiled.

"A mystery man?" Marinette smiled nervously.

Marinette knew exactly who she was talking about. Could she tell them she dated Chat noir? They technically broke up... so it would be safe to say so now right?

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