Chapter 50

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Chloe and Lila were sitting down in a coffee shop. Lila had called Chloe and asked her to meet her there. They were seated near a big bay window, though Chloe was more unenthused to be seen in such a low classed shop than anything.

"Do what now?" Chloe asked.

"Adrien broke up with Kagami to get with Marinette. Marinette convinced him to. She caused all of this. You really think Adrien would ever date Marinette?" Lila scoffed, crossing her arms.

"Marinette has been... rather... nice to me lately. It's been weird. She even invited me and Kim on a double date with her and Adrien." Chloe said.

"She's probably trying to get on your good side. She might be trying to do something to you next. I would watch out." Lila warned.

"What would you suggest? Marinette and I have always been enemies in high school. There's no way she would want to be my friend now." Chloe said, flicking her hair.

"Well... text Adrien. Tell him that Marinette invited you all on a double date right? Tell him that you want to take him to lunch to talk about where you're going. Say that you want to make it a surprise for Marinette since she has been down lately." Lila smiled.

"Ok... what does that do? That just gets me alone with Adrien? What about Marinette?" Chloe questioned.

"Oh don't worry. I'll handle Marinette. You just handle Adrien." Lila smiled.

"Whatever. I'll think about it." Chloe said, walking away with her drink.

"Do keep in touch Chloe. I love hearing from you." Lila smiled, sipping her drink, watching Chloe walk out of the restaurant.

As soon as Chloe was out of sight, Lila's smile disappeared and Lila pulled out her cellphone. Lila dialed a number and put it up to her ear.

"Everything is underway. If Chloe and Adrien leave the house this weekend together, Marinette will be home alone." Lila said with a laugh in her voice.

Lila clicked her cellphone and put it back into her purse. She threw her drink into the trash before exiting the coffee shop.

The next morning Marinette's cell phone went off and she jumped up. Marinette looked at her phone and saw that it was Alya calling her. She answered it as she jumped out of bed.

"Oh! Hey Alya! What's up!" Marinette said, running around the bedroom.

"Girl...? Are you on the way here?" Alya asked.

"Me? On the way? Of course! Of course!" Marinette lied, seeing the time and tried to rush even faster.

Adrien sat up, hearing the commotion and saw Marinette running back and forth around the room in a panic. He put on a shirt and changed as he saw her rush into the bathroom, assuming he was safe to change in his bedroom. She came out a few minutes later in her school attire and her hair brushed up in their usual pigtails. He saw her on the phone which was unusual. He saw her look over at him and she waved him over to her.

"Ok well I'll see you there! Gotta go bye!" She said, hanging up.

"Who was that?" He laughed.

"Alya, class starts in 10 mins! Could you please drive me!" Marinette begged.

Adrien smiled and nodded, grabbing his keys. Adrien grabbed a jacket and put it on, seeing Marinette grab an apple as she dashed out of the front door toward his car. Adrien didn't have class that day, so he had the day off. He could relax. He parked in a parking spot seeing Marinette open the car door in a hurry and step out, shutting it behind her. He then saw her running toward class but to his surprise she turned back around to rush back to the car. She opened the car door out of breath.

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