Chapter 24: The plan

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"We need to come up with a convincing story. A reason you and Chat noir had a breakup." Adrien said, looking into Marinette's eyes.

"Go on..." Marinette said, catching on to what he was saying.

"We can't be like... you know... hugging like we've been doing. It's too risky. I'll come visit as Chat noir. Make it public that it's too dangerous for us to date." He explained.

"Hm... that seems too dangerous. Why not at dinner I just eat quietly and upset? They will simply ask me what is wrong and I can explain." She said.

"Your parents will do that?" He asked.

"Y-yeah.." She said, understanding that his family situation was more... cold than her own.

"Anyways... We should go inside and get some dinner." Adrien said, letting go of Marinette's hand, and started walking toward his home.

"O-oh... uh... Yeah." Marinette said, looking down at her hand that was still slightly resonating heat that he had held.

Adrien pushed the door open and walked up to his room, walking into the bathroom after grabbing some clothes to change into. Marinette was going to go with him but decided to stay in the dining hall and sit down at the dinner table by herself instead. Tikki opened her purse and looked up at her, and smiled.

"What's wrong Marinette?" She asked.

"Nothing's wrong Tikki. It's just... deceiving my parents? It feels wrong." She confessed.

"It's for their safety and for yours as well as Adrien's identities," Tikki explained.

"I know... I know..." Marinette groaned. "I want to tell him soon."

"And you will... just not right now. Remember what Alix said about Chat blanc?"

"I'll at least talk to him as Ladybug then and explain that time gap." Marinette sighed. "I feel like I'm not only deceiving my parents... but I'm lying to Adrien as well."

Marinette heard someone coming and shut her purse, hiding Tikki, and looked up. It was her mother and father. They sat down at the table with her and started to talk and Marinette remained quiet most of the time until Adrien showed up and sat down beside her. Nathalie brought out everyone's food and sat down beside Sabine with her own plate.

"So.. how was your first day at the company? Adrien? You took good care of her didn't you?" Tom asked.

"Of course I did sir!" He said, a little intimidated.

"It... was fine," Marinette said, playing with her food.

Sabine looked over at Tom with a worried look, which caused Tom to glare at Adrien instead.

"Adrien? What happened at the company?" Tom asked. "Did you hurt Marinette's feelings?"

"Huh?! N-no!"

"We saw you hugging her outside dear, what happened?" Sabine said.

"Mom... dad... he was comforting me outside. It's alright. He didn't do anything." Marinette sighed, seeing everyone look at her.

"Then what happened?" Tom asked.

"Do I really have to talk about it again?" Marinette asked.

Tom looked over at Sabine and frowned and looked over at Adrien.

"I'll uh... go finish eating in my room. I have homework to finish anyways." He smiled awkwardly, picking his plate up to give them some privacy.

Nathalie sighed and picked her plate up and went toward the kitchen but instead of leaving she leaned against the wall and listened in on their conversation.

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